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  1. R

    Your Parents. What do they think?

    parents were happy with marks, didnt quite understand them i think until my mum got to work at the school she works at and told the principal what i got, then the principal got really excited and then i think it set in for her. parents very happy with uai of 90.9, gave me a v nice cheque too!
  2. R

    Anbody got UAI of 90+ with low scaled subjects?e.g gen maths

    English Advanced - 80, 7/20 General Maths - 93, 2/36 Business Studies - 91 1/18 Biology - 92 1/20 Legal Studies - 81, 2/15 UAI - 90.90 none of my subjects are particularly high scaling, bio only makes it to a positive and legal is all right, and i still got what i wanted. my uai was the...
  3. R

    relationship between proteins and polypeptides

    i dont get this dotpoint, arent polypeptides and proteins practically the same thing? :confused:
  4. R

    How much sleep did you get last night?

    i have to say i slept less on saturday night, but last night i got a good 8 hours i think so im pretty happy :) im less stressed niow that i know what its like
  5. R

    Question 2

    did anyone else think that this question was way to broad that it actually became confusing?? journey over landscapes? that is just a physical journey right? mine was some crap about a marathon runner
  6. R

    radiation/polypeptide synthesis

    for your 2nd question, the stuff on the chernobyl disaster is an example of the mutagenic nature of radiation, if you think u need an example then use it
  7. R

    memorised essays

    its a pretty good idea to memorise an essay, even if its just a theme/issue, an example and an idea of an analysis, then just insert the essay question into ur last sentence to relate it back to the question. if u look over the last few english papers u can see that the questions are basically...
  8. R

    alleles and genes

    having problems finding a solid description of the difference between alleles and genes, esp finding examples. so far i know that alleles are the characteristics where genes are the information, but thats it and im not even sure if thats correct. could sumone help?