Eastern Ave toilets are pretty good, I think only first years go to Carslaw toilets because they don't know the Eastern Ave ones exist.
I also quite like the quad toilets, nice lighting. They're not excellently clean, but they're okay.
Late twenties for me too. By then I'll be established in my career, and I'll just do the whole maternity leave thing and return to work. I'll get too bored if I'm a stay-at-home mum.
If you don't already, it might be a good idea to have a bit of a play around in the market. The experience might show you whether it's something you're really interested in.
For me, the market is a hobby and I wouldn't be interested in a career doing it (maybe later on, who knows) but it's fun...
I'm doing education at the Kuring Gai campus, is it worth going to the orientation there? I'm working both days and I'm casual so I'd rather work, but if it's important I'll go.
I know, there's a tute on Wednesday that I could go to, but the computer won't allocate it to me.
I could just rock up but I'd rather sort it out, incase he just tells me to leave. That'd make the semester awkward.
I have one tute on a Thursday and that's it. I remember somewhere on the usyd site it told me where to go to change my timetable (it won't let me online) but I can't find where it is now. Anyone know where/when it is?
and... my lecturer emailed us to say all the tutes are pretty full and it'll...
I'm doing B Science/B Arts and just want to do an arts degree. Can some of my science subjects that I've passed be credited towards my arts degree?
Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread
This is probably up somewhere blaringly obvious but I can't find it..
anyone know when the discontinue not fail date is this semester?
Considering that almost half of the people in Australia are overweight, I think the options are running out.
To me, it doesn't matter, but obease is bad. And not being able to walk up stairs, also bad. So yeah, a bit pudgy is fine, but not huge.
Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread
Ooh, someone scan it for the cripple (who can't go into uni to read it)!
My father likes to write 'esquire' after his name.