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  1. w2dot

    police radar detectors!!

    Driver nabbed with radar detector March 21, 2008 A driver has been fined $1245 after he was caught with an illegal radar detector, police say. The 38-year-old man, driving a Holden Monaro, also lost nine points off his licence after he was pulled over by traffic police today in...
  2. w2dot


    When did they pull out? I remember seeing them at the '99 motor show
  3. w2dot

    Melbourne Motor Show

    So who's gone? I went...seems to be less this year...theres no outside demos and a few major brands are missing (MB, RR, Bentley, Lotus, Citroen, Mini, Smart, AM). Some don't exhibit every year but still...not enough floorspace i guess
  4. w2dot

    Ford Unveils 2008 FG Falcon

    Rounded front end doesn't really suit a car like that but otherwise ok. Ute looks a bit soft fiesta's just another small car contender...has borrowed designs but pretty cute
  5. w2dot

    Best Wii Games

    Probably not, europes region 2, we're 4
  6. w2dot

    Academic Trascript After You Trasfer?!

    If you apply for a transcript at both uni Y + Z you'd get the whole lot Uni y should give you a transcript when you graduate so youd only need to get one from z
  7. w2dot

    Quantum of Solace

    Can't wait!!
  8. w2dot

    Anyone here get into Vet Science at USYD?

    Yeah grats! Good thing about vets is that most of them are genuinely dedicated to animals (and have been for their whole life). I do too but couldnt stand puting them down or cutting them up... Birds are rather amusing...
  9. w2dot

    Best Wii Games

    gimmicky games a great if u've got mates over...but yeah some more decent replayable games would be better... smash bros single players gonna be quite complex...i'd say itll be here after june?
  10. w2dot

    Living on-campus

    You're not gonna need a sweater is brisbane
  11. w2dot

    What to buy for uni?

    depends how much notes you take and how much work you want to do...most my lecturers last year had powerpoints so i printed those out and wrote on those
  12. w2dot

    Best Wii Games

    smash bros =)
  13. w2dot


    Sweet! where from?
  14. w2dot


    Too many novelty/gimmicky games is the problem. But its worth getting just for ssbb and mario kart
  15. w2dot


    Probably the only uni in aus with wii, ps2, xbox and apparently 360 and ps3 + a few games
  16. w2dot

    General Question: Commonwealth supported places....

    I dont know about other states, but in victoria you can be offered a CSP as well as a Domestic (but not for the same course) provided you applied for both types. Internationals have to pay international fees which are higher than domestic
  17. w2dot

    What is the difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero?

    I'm pretty sure the sweeteners are the same in both... Zero is supposed to taste like reg coke (but its less fizzy) Diet just has a different taste What I want to know is the diff b/w diet pepsi and pepsi max...they both taste like regular pepsi
  18. w2dot

    alternative entries to vet science

    you forgot opt :) Does anyone know about entry into murdoch as a year 12 leaver? Oh, and there UQ for vet as well
  19. w2dot

    open days

    Double degree can be useful...but its personal choice. I've never been to clayton, but i have been to unimelb and monash parkville
  20. w2dot

    Personalised plates

    BUGME on a beetle MINIME on a mini