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  1. T

    Okay, How many P's

    This is starting to drive me insane. Why are there more than 4 P's. Okay, so, today, in business studies, we were just discussing, very briefly, the elements of the marketing process, and how the 4 P's are one part of it. Price, Place, Promotion and Product. Someone pipes up, "Excuse me sir, I...
  2. T


    Honestly, what do you think of it? Do you see any benefit in doing it? Im mildly curious because I want to hear other peoples thoughts on it. I am seriously considering it (for those who are unaware, it involves doing the HSC [Year 12] over two years i.e 3 subjects one year, three the next)...
  3. T

    Impossible essay question?

    Alright so, I do Visual Arts as one of my can be seen below my post o.O ....but anyway, moving right along. So, we've had about two weeks warning for an in-class essay and have been given one period of "strong hints" about what to do both during an essay in general and to help us...
  4. T

    Geography Help please

    Ok so maybe posting this now isn't the best time, because I cant exactly think clearly, and have no idea what Im asking, but, I need some notes on the topic or somewhere to look some things up so I can print it off and read over it later. In geography, whichever part of whichever topic covers...