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  1. O

    Doctor Who anyone?

    I LOVE IT! But I'm extremely sad that David Tennant is leaving. :( Share your thoughts, theories and love for Doctor Who.
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    Resident Evil for DS?

    I've had this for a while but no one I know really plays video games so I have no one to vent my disappointment to. I have tried, but usually am given odd looks. SO, my point. Was anyone else disappointed at the quality on DS? I heard it was good on other platforms, and I thought the...
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    R4 for DS, anyone?

    Hiiiiiiii So a few of my friends have the R4 for DS and from what they've told me, it sounds AWESOME. But I was just wondering what everyone else thought about it. For those who don't know what an R4 is (I'm assuming you would if you entered this thread) but it's basically a game card...
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    Why isn't there a game thread?

    So I thought I'd start one. I like video games. Do you? And, if you live in victoria, are you going to Game On/have you been? I CAN'T WAIT TO GO!