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  1. Teo.Kai

    Being Sick for the HSC

    Improvement from the trials to the HSC Examinations are usually around 10 marks? And if everyone improves, it's not going to make too much of a difference =/
  2. Teo.Kai

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? I forgot to fill in my student number =[
  3. Teo.Kai

    Best tutoring colleges

    Dr Du for English~
  4. Teo.Kai

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys Hahaha~ we got to vote on the designs and have a 13 character limit... though jersey committee is like a bit slow to move.... i mean at this rate we're probably getting our jersies somewhere like mid-late term 3. wear it into our trials only or something --; So annoying...
  5. Teo.Kai

    The Dumbest mistake u've ever made in a Maths Exam

    Uhh... Does not flipping over to the back count? I missed 10/50 marks like that... >>"
  6. Teo.Kai

    Textbook with worked solutions?

    Terry Lee Ext. 2 is actually good. You just need to appreciate the variety of approaches he takes to questions of the same type. And they're not too hard to follow either >>" Extension Two textbook Excel by S.K. Patel comes with worked solutions as well. Though visually, I perfer the Terry Lee...
  7. Teo.Kai

    Private coaching vs Centre based coaching?

    I have tried both a private tutor and centre based tutoring at the same time and sure; private tutor is good. You can focus on your weaknesses and occasionally review your strengths, but they're more expensive usually, for the experienced ones at least. A tutor that charges $50+/hour should come...
  8. Teo.Kai

    Best tutoring colleges

    The homework marking lolol. yeah the homework bit is really slack. --' i didn't hand my homework in for a year and they didn't chase me up, its more of its your future so you should do the homework, and any queries just email kobskii rofl~ kobskii's explaining is alrite, just he gets a bit...
  9. Teo.Kai

    Best tutoring colleges

    personally I recommend Tipps to anyone who is looking for a tutor centre. The staff are friendly and helpful. Kobskii, the tutor who takes the senior A classes and all of the year 12 classes is very helpful and dedicated towards mathematics. I currently go there for English (Split to Standard...