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  1. brainwashed39

    we were on a break!!

  2. brainwashed39

    What's so good about marriage?

    yeah, you're either taking the bait from a troll or responding to the opinions of someone who is (as you said) idealistic and naive. in my opinion, people are perfectly entitled to think that marriage will make a difference to anything, i personally think they are kidding themselves. if you...
  3. brainwashed39

    Boy Bestfriends > Boyfriends

    ok, for one.. a.Limjoco... STOP calling your girlfriend (or any hypothetical woman or girl) "the female"... it's just not cool. secondly, i agree with everyone who says that you simply have to trust your girlfriend (or "the female" if that is actually what her name is).. BUT.. since they have...
  4. brainwashed39

    Just a thought...

    yes! pounding is just annoying. and when it comes to being fingered.. i hate it when guys assume that since it's your vagina their pushing their fingers randomly in it must feel good.. NOT THE CASE!! there is no specific technique though.. you have to ask your girl what feels good because...
  5. brainwashed39

    Who have higher standards: Men or Women?

    yeah but the guys on that show "taken out" were nas-tay!! you could tell why they were all single... it was like they all took a beating with the ugly stick before they came out... and their personalities matched their looks perfectly. i thought the women's standards on that show were hell low.
  6. brainwashed39

    Internet love - share your stories

    what does that have to do with the internet?
  7. brainwashed39

    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? that is just a myth. everyone i know has heard that story. as if.
  8. brainwashed39

    how to ask a girl/ guy to be your fuck buddy??

    it is costom to ask via a singing telegram.
  9. brainwashed39

    Homosexuality in Australia

    rightly said!! this whole "natural" and "unnatural" argument is ridiculous. if you don't want to do anything unnatural never ride in a car, watch tv, go on the computer etc. because animals of the same gender have sex, but they don't drive cars very often. so homosexuality is more natural that...
  10. brainwashed39

    Just Got Out of a Long Relationship & Now I Have Questions

    i wouldn't say waiting years is a good idea before you go back into the dating game but i'd advise like a month probably. there are a few reasons for this: 1. i'm not saying this is the case for you, but some people like their ruts, or grow clingy attachments to the idea of having a...
  11. brainwashed39

    the attractiveness scale 1-10, your thoughts?

    yeah, see, i think looks aren't everything and all.. but i am not going to pretend that some ugly guy is johnny depp just because he's nice. that's just bullshit. but i think a lot of women have too low standards in other areas, like personality. i think it's a low self esteem thing.
  12. brainwashed39

    the attractiveness scale 1-10, your thoughts?

    5.2 is a little optimistic for that woman.. but it's the guys on that site that really get inflated scores... what is wrong with the women on that site? are they blind? some guys who should get KILL IT WITH FIRE are on 8.5!!
  13. brainwashed39

    the attractiveness scale 1-10, your thoughts?

    yeah it is subjective. i went on that hotornot site and a girl i thought was pushing a 4 was rated 9.5.. WTF! and you can SO tell when someone has manipulated the lighting or camera angle to hide their bad features... i think the average on those websites should be six... in REAL life it is...
  14. brainwashed39

    Anyone Else Finding A Lot Of People Breaking Up Recently?

    just before my ball there were heaps of break ups and new relationships... i think it was because people started to think more about their relationships like.. "shit, i don't want to be seen with that person at the ball.. i don't even like them these days" or.. "i really like him/her... i'll...
  15. brainwashed39

    Relationships & HSC

    yeah i think it's harder when you start a relationship close to the end of hsc because that's the stage you want to see them all the time and you're kinda figuring out how you fit with that person but you KNOW you have to study and whatever. i know this as it's exactly what i'm experiencing...
  16. brainwashed39

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    it's quality not quantity that counts. i've had both and it's definitely the quality that's worth having. so even if you've never had a gf/bf.. don't stress because i know heaps of people that have had lists of them that were ALL SHIT.
  17. brainwashed39

    What do you do when she is too young?

    a cradle-snatcher - someone who has a romantic or sexual relationship with a much younger partner. yes i do.
  18. brainwashed39

    What do you do when she is too young?

    oh jeeze... don't do it. just the fact that you're going out with her makes you a cradle-snatcher. don't make it worse.
  19. brainwashed39

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    the people who started this thread back in 2004 have probably been in lots of relationships since then. it just happens. as for people who think they have high standards... you're all just commitment phobes.