Well for those who did HUBS1403 exam on friday... for the ppl in GP101 if any exist on here... i misread the time on the announcement and arrived 20min late... the guy gave me a huge death stare and i just kinda slammed the door behind me.
Later when i went to chat with Karen about it that...
Reality is we all probs have facebook lol.
Man wish i was going to the toga thing but totally forgot about it and dont have bed sheets to wrap around myself.
Lol my friend also did the ummm thing last week lol if i recall she said umm about 94 times in 1 hour lecture.
I probs shud say i do the HUBS course as part of my degree as i dont really do biomed. Im more just overlapping for a transfer into Nutrition and Dietetics next year, hopefully.
Well whole point of meeting up was to meet other BoS members that went to UNCLE. With the location being the university it makes it one step easier as its an universal location as we're all going there one day or another.
Having a dinner meet up is slightly harder, as decisions need to made on...
These are my breaks for next week:
Monday - Anytime before 1pm and 2:30pm-5pm (TBC)
Tuesday - 11am-12pm and 2pm-6pm
Wednesday - Anytime before 6pm
Thursday - 11am-1pm
Friday - Anytime after 12pm
Okay we shud totally organise another meet up like next week or something. Where alot more ppl can come and chill and reflect on the cookies people had eaten the week b4.
Sorry i couldnt make it, friend convinced me i couldnt miss a bit of the lecture so i could drop by and say hi.
Maybe set up another meet up day... man i wanted cookies too :(
I dont normally pass up the chance to see 'retard' on someone's forehead... but it just seems cruel when i think about it...
Another way for me to track the meet up down (weird) is to put a plate of cookies on the table... idk why but cookies always helps you make friends :)