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  1. Petite Choux

    Who is doing French Extension???

    Nah, i recon you can do it. as long as you aren't doing any ext classes for the languages, and as long as your committed! i really wanted to do jap beginners aswell, and my teachers wouldn't let me!!! D= which is stupid because other people are doing it! but if u wanna do it, do it! or else...
  2. Petite Choux

    What are you currently Reading?

    The Time Traveller's Wife The Power of Now Conversations with God Catch 22 Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather. This one is so boring, well it's a series of short stories, but the last one.. i can't get through it. It's just a whole lot of different seemingly random desciptions. but...
  3. Petite Choux

    Who is doing French Extension???

    eh, well im doin it thru open high, and my teacher is making us read the entire thing!! hahah. soo lame! D=
  4. Petite Choux

    Scifi? Any good?

    wow, alcalder <3 that was so much advice!! xD thankyou... haha, i'll check out on writing, it sounds extremely helpful and about journeys, i am fortunate enough to not have experienced that horror, belonging on the other hand... *cringe and actually, speaking normally scares me. i try to avoid...
  5. Petite Choux

    To belong, or not to belong.

    who are all these people? haha, adam - who is who? =|
  6. Petite Choux

    The Crucible and belonging

    ahhh! i get it now. bahahha, i was abit shocked today...! *dada, ohh, must have been while you were kissing me..* haha, best song ever. but yes - THE CRUCIBLE *dies.
  7. Petite Choux

    To belong, or not to belong.

    pfff, thats a load of crap! you are intelligent!!! you just refuse to accept it. who is doidoidoi? ah, i'll add them anyway. mrehhhhhhh. can't wait for uni.
  8. Petite Choux

    Scifi? Any good?

    well, goodluck for all of us!! Dx
  9. Petite Choux

    Who is doing French Extension???

    ARGH. im doing french extension, and I find it ridiculously hard. I'm doing it through open high school, and I'm doing it with a couple of friends, and Jean de Florette - we had to read it in 2 weeks, all 300 pages. never. it took us half an hour to decode the first page. it got better, but...
  10. Petite Choux

    Scifi? Any good?

    Just starting Ext 2 this year.. and FREAKING OUT just slightly as to what in the world im going to do... I was thinking a philosophical idea that I could submerge into sci fi (just because it's so much fun) and I could use it to comment on our current society... however, im not sure if sci fi is...
  11. Petite Choux

    To belong, or not to belong.

    haha. adam, your such a nerd! heheeh, i made an account after i saw this. but this is pretty sweet. anywho. THE CRUCIBLE IS CRAP. meilynx
  12. Petite Choux

    The Crucible and belonging

    i agree. its shit. terrible. that's good, but it's only remotely about belonging, it's stupid that we are forced to fit in theme's when they really only have a vague essence there.