Thanks for the input i would have guessed that you had to do it after your tertiary qualifications. Then does the 'professional' accounting degree come with any advantage over just doing just a B Com and then majoring in Accounting?
Was just wondering if these courses the one offered at MQ in professional accounting will give me chartered status or have to do that after the degree?
Went into accept my offer and it kept mention something about my course (Bachelor of Applied Finance and Professional Accounting at Macq) being a commonwealth supported place? what exactly does it mean? to me it sounds like i can be assisted in payment of fees however that doesnt sound right...
Next year i will going to Macquarie (Atar of 92 with bonus points, hard to see not making the courses) and i was curious as to what would be the best course to take to get involved in stockbroking?
I had always planned to just do a straight Bachelor of commerce at Macq upon hearing that it has a very good business faculty and thought i could perhaps scrap in, however after getting 84 and relising i have 8 bonus points, was curious as to whether i should do the Bachelor of applied finance...
Okay a certain course recommends i do a certain subject, do you have to do it to gain entry into the course or will it negatively impact your chance of getting into the course even if you have the required ATAR?
Re: The Official Football Thread
Thats arguable, we unlike some clubs see the negatives of giving the Lampards/Terry/Tevez's ridiculous amount of money and that in the end it can only hurt football... we have wage structure and balance within the club ;)
A little known fact was that a few...
Perhaps the real question is why do people think so low of Retards ;)
But perhaps i should not bag it out too much, when im leaning towards doing it myself. Retards unite.
Really to weight it up the greatest problem in both courses will be.
Condescending nature of General & Banging my head against a desk cause i cant derive a certain problem in 2 Unit.
I'mma thinking Retard Maths!
Haha yeah very true, i'd love to be the kid with dilemma of 98.95 or 99.95 but for me it was the difference between about 84/85 (and that could still be abit of wishful thinking) and with the realistic 2 unit mark of 75% was about an 79.5 and when you consider the difficulty of getting that 90...
Woo retard maths, I borrowed the textbook for the holidays, its kinda hard to take seriously but meh if it could be the difference between 5 ATAR points, who am i to complain? :D
Ahh only was familiar with SAM.
Wow interesting results after using that UMAX, apparently when i plugged in with my other scores if i was to get a 90 in 2 unit it would only be 1 Atar point better then if i was to get a 90 in General - surely that can't be right? (however SAM also agreed)
How do you come up with those figures? (i have quite limited to knowledge on how the scaling procedures work)
Also the fact my cohort is beating by fair bit largely to do with most of them do 3 unit and way better mathematically im from a small school (our 2 unit class has 5 people) to which...
Okay so im currently in a bit of a predicament im positive that when i sit the HSC the maximum i will get in the test is 75% however in General i feel i could easily sit the test and gain a 90%, How much would aligning and scaling come into play and how much difference would it make to my ATAR...
Yeah from what i have heard with the Accounting major, maths is minimal and im sure my knowledge of the course already will be more then enough. However is it compulsory to get into the course?
Is 2 Unit Maths compulsory, can i do the course with out it?
I'm currently in 2 Unit Maths, but am considering dropping to General as in the end it could give me another 5-6 ATAR points.
Late, late reply i know, however the input had been quite appreciated.
I was too wondering however, how math based doing the Bachelor of commerce with a major in accounting will be?
Hi, im looking at doing bachelor of commerce to hopefully go into Accounting/finance, i was wondering however the importance of 2 unit maths; can you not do the course without it?
I say this as from what i know i'm assuming my marks for 2 unit will probably only be a low 70% however in...