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  1. C

    Yeats topics

    Has anyone got any yeats essay topics? I have done all the ones that I have been given.
  2. C


    I have used the SHARP calculator since year 7, the exact same one. I dont Get math errors when I type in -8^(5/3)/5 though. The sharp calcuator is a very good calculator. Although I have found that Casio are better at calculating fractions of larger decimals.
  3. C


    Correct and if you remember your index laws anyway x^(2/3) you are squaring and then taking the cube root so you are taking a positive cube root anyway. because any number squared is positive in the real number system.
  4. C


    when you do this you have to consider the graph. Seeing as though they are not asking for an area and what you are integrating is an even function. i.e. F(x) = F(-x) then it becomes: \int_{-a}^{a}f(x) = 2\int_{0}^{a}f(x) so in your case \int_{-8}^{8}x^{\frac{2}{3}}dx...
  5. C

    Molar Heat of Combustion

    Because the prac that you did on it is an essential prac and they can ask you about it in the HSC.
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    Conflicting Perspective

    What and where is NCAP??
  7. C

    Conflicting Perspective

    I wasn't expecting anyone to analyse it for me, I Have done that myself. But thanks for the other post that was helpful (#5).
  8. C

    Conflicting Perspective

    I found this text in another thread I am going to use it I just need some things to talk about other than the obvious contrast between the cells. And some background on the conflict would be nice :)
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    I want to be an actuary. What do I need to do?
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    Mechanics Clarification

    Thanks, that helps me out heaps. :)
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    Mechanics Clarification

    I am having a bit of trouble For examble a particle is moving downards with a resistance proportional to v<sup>2</sup> In this part you get an equation that looks like: ma = mg - mkv<sup>2</sup> What I dont understand is why the resistance is equal to mkv<sup>2</sup> when there is...
  12. C

    Inverse Functons

    y= 3cos^{-1}2x\\ \frac{y}{3}=cos^{-1}2x\\ cos\frac{y}{3}= 2x\\ x= \frac{1}{2}cos\frac{y}{3} and then just use the equation in terms of x to draw your graph and rember the restricted d & r when you draw it.
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    Learning language

    I am learing german at the moment. Great language but has some stupid things too.
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    just a phase???

    Maybe she is attention-sexual??
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    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    My sister thinks you should cut off your dick and legally declare yourself a girl, or at the very least eunic.
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    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    You are an idiot. Far too picky. Be realistic for christ's sake!!!
  17. C

    You are everywhere....every forum i have been to you are in

    You are everywhere....every forum i have been to you are in
  18. C

    How many Up and Go drinks do you have a week?

    What is Up and Go??
  19. C

    struggling with essay writing speed

    Someone suggested in an older forum to tape batteries to your pen in normal situations and in an exam write without them...I dunno if it will work. but give it a go