Ok i pretty much got 0 for the 2 pages of calculations so i just chucked in equations like c=n/v when they asked you to find the concentration of something haha.
Would i get ANY marks for doing that?
Ohk. Thanks for clearing that up! :) Hopefully i get a band 6 because 77 was the lowest i could receive if they mark harshly and 85 if they mark generously.
Question says it all...what does a raw mark of 77 scale to?
By the way do they scale after they get your "first scaled mark", like after your mark gets changed because of your rank...say im rank 9 and my mark gets pushed up by 2, do they scale you according to 77 or 79?
i) In the table of 3, 1 person has to sit down as a starting point, so that means the remaining 2 seats can be filled by 7x6 people. The table of 5 then has to have one person as a starting point as well, leaving the 4 seats with 4x3x2x1 options. That means a total of 7x6x4x3x2x1= 1008 options...
it's suppose to be general- they usually give you the OPTION of choosing a specific case. for example for migrants they might say outline how the vietnam war has effected one chosen migrant group ...or wateva. :)