Experienced 99.65 ATAR tutor in Cabramatta region.
Graduated 2009 from Fort Street High School.
Board of Studies All Rounder 2009.
Currently studying B.Commerce/Laws at the University of Sydney (previously Adv.Science/Laws under the Talented Students Program).
Have been tutoring...
hey, i just came across this thread. i got bored, so i decided to do your questions ...
http://www.easy-share.com/1909317174/CONICS SOLUTIONS.rar
hope it helps mate
One of my friends from my school, was absolutely gutted when he was awarded 0 for an exam in which he supposedly "cheated".
His rank at the half yearlies for this particular subject was below his usual best (he came 2nd in the Preliminary Course). Demoralised and
outraged, he still worked...
yep, 4 essays + a creative. 96 exam, 95 overall. i used to use the whole "just remember quotes + the techniques and answer the question" approach, but i got lazy.
quick question guys:
so there's no other sort of means testing for the Equity Scholarship besides that of the ATAR and whether or not you are on youth allowance?