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    Inverse Functions

    f(x) = 1/6 (x^2 - 4x + 24) f(x) has domain and range x>=2 and y>= 10/3 to acquire large inverse function with positive no. If N is negative real no. what is f-1(f(N)) where f-1(x) is inverse of f(x)
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    Circle Geometry

    AB and AC are equal chords of a circle. AD and BE are parallel chords through A and B respectively. Prove that AE is parallel to CD
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    Circle Geometry: Line Passing Through Centre of Circle

    AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle. CA and DB meet, when produced, at X. AD and BC intersect at Y There are three parts to this question, two of which are already solved and i will post results: a)YA= YB b)XA= XB How must i prove that XY will pass through center? And just...
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    Volume Q

    A vessel filled with liquid is being emptied and the volume V cubic metres remainng after t minutes is given by V = Ae^-kt a)Show that dV/dt = -kV B) If one quater of the vessel is emptied in the first 5 minutes, what fraction remains after 10 minutes c) At what rate is the liquid flowing out...
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    Uni Acceptance

    Will one's chances of being accepted into university be affected by ethnicity? Namely the application's ethnical name, per say - chinese. Because Ive heard of "stories" of such occurences. And in specifically, will one's name affect courses that require a interview? I know this question seem...