Am about to finish After the Bomb next week (wish me luck!). I did Hiroshima, Waiting for Godot and Sylvia Plath. Don't freak out. Hiroshima and Waiting for Godot are the easiest to study. You will NOT get asked to write about all four of those texts, so don't freak out about the amount of work...
Hey guys,
user: showy posted this on After the Bomb, found it quite helpful.
"After the bomb resources and ideas 2010
I've noticed that there is a fair few of us doing After the Bomb and there are very few resources available, and a lot of 'I'm so lost' threads around. Let's collate...
Yes, I got an email and was over the moon. Pleased to see an Ian Fleming there....even if it is From Russia With Love....which isn't his best in my opinion.
Very considerate of you to post this!
I don't think Stephen King should have said that. Sure people don't like (myself include it) but just because he doesn't, or I don't, doesn't mean its a shit book. Everyone knows lots of people like it. That must mean something?
Sorry Lychnobity, had a bad night reading. Yes that it, the metaphors, the book is full of them, yet they dont make so much sense to me. For instance, the whole snake thing?
I love the book, and It is at the top of my list of all time favourite books.
Just wondering what about it strikes a chord in the heart of people around the world?
"If it wasn't for the mist we could see your home across the bay....You always have a green light that burns all night at the...