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  1. Yo1anda

    How to tell what he's really after ?

    I was more referring to the image of men being bumbling oafs with the emotional intelligence of potatoes.
  2. Yo1anda

    How to tell what he's really after ?

    the whole "guys are only after one thing" thing is total bs propagated by the media. not every guy is a charlie sheen and/or homer simpson. if you're "so scared" then don't give it up till you're at a point where you think "if he leaves me after this, i'll be fine because im secure enough...
  3. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    sumary: 1. misogynist piece of shit starts posting on BOS 2. he plans to run for parliament 3. some BOS members troll him pretending to be young girls 4. manage to make him send nude pix 5. hell breaketh loose
  4. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    credit to latino guys though they are wonderful lovers
  5. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    poor koreans
  6. Yo1anda

    meh no I hardly care, my mum was raised in a way that was 10000x worse

    meh no I hardly care, my mum was raised in a way that was 10000x worse
  7. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    yup smaller than asians
  8. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    my parents are very moderate for iraqi muslims so ive stopped actively hating them now and just kind of lol and countdown till im outta heeeeeeeeeeeeere
  9. Yo1anda

    What do you hate, that most people love?

    hating mango? i have never heard of such a thing ever
  10. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    perhaps he was white/arab ethnically but native american latinos...
  11. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    aaaaaahah love you
  12. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    they do if they are predominantly native american
  13. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    south americans have tiny penises
  14. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    my cousin who lives here visited iraq at the same time as me, and went to her cousn's wedding and her people are like village people who are supermuslim and super ignorant in the middle of the wedding (held at a farm), the bride + groom went into the bedroom to sex it up groom came out and...
  15. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    but you said i was atttractiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    back to "are you ugly" question I looked like a boy until I was about 14 my friend saw a pic of it and was like "duuude how can you even show me that, burn it plz"
  17. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    we would probably all cry ourselves to sleep at night
  18. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    repeat after me ashhadu anna la ilaha il allah wa ashhadu anna mohammad rasool allah Chrissie: This is common, especially in Muslim Iraqi families (I think they're the strictest, most Iraqi female singers/models/actresses suddenly disappear, honor killing ftw). My friend's family is worse...
  19. Yo1anda

    Are you Ugly?

    current guy is an Asian Buddhist with tattoos who is definitely not going to ask for my hand in marriage seriously shane lol @ you even asking