In normal circumstances, yes it doesn't necessarily mean anything. But when a troll such as FreeWorld comes along and tries to bag out the industry in which he himself has an interest in...I find it pathetic.
Yes, it was kind of like a revision lesson. Notes wise you're better off writing your own summaries from textbooks.
That's why I didn't find it that useful, but that's just me since I'm self-sufficient. It all comes down to whether you need someone to motivate you.
Yeah, I agree with this guy ^
I myself found 11 units to be the optimal choice as it gave me a slightly better sense of safety, as well as allowing me to study on all subjects effectively.
All in all, it's what you think is best.
Last time I checked you didn't own this forum. So why don't you shut that filthy mouth of yours.
It's amazing what kind of cards you pull. First it's "high school punk" to "transvestite" and now "homo".
LOL, all within 24 hours...that's amazing.
Don't listen to that jackass FreeWorld.
As long as you're willing to do the work then you should be fine. Just remember, nothing is ever difficult as long you put your mind to it.