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  1. V

    B.InfoSys @ UNSW.

    What is this course like? Can anyone who's graduated from it or currently studying it please give me some insight into the course. What are the lecturers/tutes like? Is there a lot of content? And are there a lot of group assignments?
  2. V

    HELP! - What subjects should I do in first year of b.Info Systems?

    I'm sort of lost with options. What subjects am I meant to/ should I do in first year?
  3. V

    Plan of Attack

    Since engineering is next week on Tuesday and Maths 2U is the day before and 3U the day after, how is everyone planning to study for these exams? :/
  4. V

    Atar estimate please

    Final Ranks. Adv. English: 28/54 Maths 2U: 34/64 SOR I: 35/97 Engineering Studies: 6/22 Chemistry: 10/17 Physics: 20/30 School rank is around mid 90's.
  5. V

    ATAR Estimate Please.

    RANKS: Adv. English: 28/54 Maths 2U: 34/64 SOR I: 35/97 Engineering Studies: 6/22 Chemistry: 10/17 Physics: 20/30 School rank is around 90's
  6. V

    Current ranks. Can i still get 90?

    PRE TRIALS Adv Eng - ~30/65 Maths 2U - 21/65 Physics - 22/31 Chemistry - 13/20 Engineering - 4/25 SOR I - 24/105 I'm getting around 60-70's for most my subs and 80's for math and engineering. Can i still scrape a 90? I think i did very well in most of my trials (bar physics) can my ranks...
  7. V

    2012 Trial

    Anyone have any tips on studying for engineering? Our teacher hasn't taught us shit since personal and public transports. We've had to teach ourselves lifting - telecom. I've got the content covered but the mechanics is challenging to me :/ I don't get most of it.
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    Cssa physics 2012

    Who's ready for this one? According to my teacher it's the hardest trial exam in recent years lol.
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    Cssa chemistry 2012

    Who's ready for it?