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  1. E

    Is it too much to be doing ancient history and modern history ?

    I'm in year 11 now though I'm only doing modern history. I wouldn't say that it's an excessive workload but I'd say it's probably the most difficult out of my (not so hard) subjects except for extension English. There are quite a few essays and as someone said earlier you do need to know quite a...
  2. E

    Should I Do History Extension?

    Hey, so I'm in year 11 at the moment and I don't think it's long until we have to chose our subjects for year 12. I'm pretty happy with most of the subjects I'm doing now and don't think I'm going to change them too much. At the moment I'm doing: Advanced English (it's alright I guess, sick of...
  3. E

    What subjects is everyone doing for year 11 2012

    Mine have finally been confirmed! :) So I'm doing - Advanced English - Extension English - Studies of Religion 1 unit - Mathematics 2 unit - Pdhpe - Modern History - Drama - Sports, Lifetstyle and Recreation (year 11 only :( )
  4. E

    General Thoughts: Science

    Phew, I guessed that :) Yep, sure did.
  5. E

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    Haha I thought maybe I did it about the wrong thing!
  6. E

    General Thoughts: Science

    Damn, my friends all told me it was friction (which is wat I put as a guess) but yay, I got 1 at least :) Thanks :)
  7. E

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    The multiple choice and short answers were alright but my story was TERRIBLE! I wrote about some kid whose family split up and now lives with his step-mum who he hates and his dad. I used the line about the photograph and yeh, he's looking at that thinking of how things used to be. WORST STORY I...
  8. E

    General Thoughts: Science

    I was alright but I'm a dud a science anyway. Completely forgot what biotechnology was so that's 7 marks down the drain :( Does anyone know what the one about gravity and the one about the dust cloud was in the fill in the box questions? A few people said at school but idk if they're right or...
  9. E


    That's exactly the same as what I want to do! Except police force and sports journalism (maybe not as much as the other 3) are also on my list :)
  10. E

    Doe your background really affect your subject choices?

    I'm Australian/British and I'm doing Advanced English, English Extension, 2 Unit Maths, Modern, PE, Drama, SLR and SOR 1. But I don't really think background has that much to do with it. I know plenty of ppl who are doing 3 unit maths, physics and chem next year, and a lot of them are from...
  11. E

    School certificate

    As was mentioned above you get a formula sheet with all the basic stuff on it and yeh, from what I've heard there shouldn't be all the "hard" stuff in it. Remember standard, intermediate and advanced are all doing the same exam so they can't make it too complicated. Probs good to remember things...
  12. E

    What subjects is everyone doing for year 11 2012

    My school is so unorganised and still hasn't told us what subs we got despite telling us we'd get them over 6 weeks ago. (They told us which SC trials were on which day the day before the first ones too...hopeless!) But I picked and should hopefully get: Advanced English English Extension 1...
  13. E

    Subject Selections

    Our school said the same thing. I believed them until I started playing around with ATAR calculators :/ And to reply to what this is actually about, I picked: Advanced English English Extension 1 Drama Mathematics Modern History PDHPE Sports Lifestyle & Recreation Studies of Religion: I
  14. E

    Vote on a subject! I need subject selection help!!!

    Apparently not. We got this book from school about prerequisits, assumed knowledge, suggested subs, etc. and for most of the pe teaching courses it was 2 out of: pe, mathematics, biology, chemistry (from memory, I may be wrong) and so I'm doing pe and maths, that's my two :)
  15. E

    Thanks for the rep point :)

    Thanks for the rep point :)
  16. E

    What Do You Think of Your Prelim Subjects?

    Haha kk thanks :) Shame I only get to do it for year 11 :( (school's choice not mine!)
  17. E

    My school does not let us choose our own subjects!

    I still think that you should do everything you can to get into physics but if you don't you can still get into engineering if you do a bridging course after school.
  18. E

    My school does not let us choose our own subjects!

    Seriously what is your schools problem?! you're coming 2nd in accelerated maths and you're not allowed to do physics, that's ridiculous! Good luck with the meeting and well if it doesn't work out maybe change schools....
  19. E

    Favourite Prelim Subject

    Heyy, So I'm just slightly bored so I was wondering what is/was everyones favourite preliminary subject? :)
  20. E

    My school does not let us choose our own subjects!

    That's really stupid! I'm in year 10 as well and maths was really the only subject where u had to be a certain rank to do a certain maths level at my school. They showed us a table that had the top 25 in ex 1, next 25 or so in 2 unit, idk how many in general and all the people they "suggested"...