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  1. M

    Medicine/dentistry interview tutoring

    I’m a current UNSW medical student offering interview tutoring services for medicine and dentistry. I have an extensive collection of interview questions from universities all around Australia, and have had interviews at UNSW (twice!), Newcastle/Armidale (JMP) and UWS. For some people, public...
  2. M

    Medicine/dentistry interview tutoring

    I’m a current UNSW medical student offering interview tutoring services for medicine and dentistry. I have an extensive collection of interview questions from universities all around Australia, and have had interviews at UNSW (twice!), Newcastle/Armidale (JMP) and UWS. For some people, public...
  3. M

    Med Camp??

    I don't know much about med camp itself, but I'm definitely going and you should come too :) Apparently it's a great time to make friends and socialise!
  4. M

    Student ID photo size ?

    Every three years
  5. M

    Student ID photo size ?

    When you enter the library, there are students in green shirts who will guide you to wherever you want to go. For the ID cards, either ask them, or just follow the yellow tape on the floor. It'll be very easy to spot once you're there. I strongly, strongly recommend uploading your own picture...
  6. M

    Question about ID cards

    Can the FM Assist staff see when you obtained your last ID card?
  7. M

    Bond University

    No idea what Bond interviews are like, but I personally wouldn't take Bond, even if I were offered a place. I don't like the sound of being in 350k debt, even if Bond med is shorter than other unis (I think?) - besides, I'd want to do med in my home state if possible. If FEE-HELP doesn't cover...
  8. M

    Macbook Pro vs Macbook Air for University

    Get the Pro if you care about having a nice screen (I didn't), need the extra processing power (I didn't), or want to "future proof" your machine (I didn't - I plan to upgrade every 2-3 years). My Air is my main computer, and it's basically a Facebook machine that sometimes runs OneNote and...
  9. M

    Specialities with best work/life balance?

    I know that I haven't even started med yet, but I think I'm interested in something surgical, or maybe oncology-related. I fully expect this to change at least a hundred times in the next six years - but assuming that it doesn't, how best should I utilise my year of research? If research means...
  10. M

    Specialities with best work/life balance?

    UNSW has a compulsory research year called (ILP) in fourth year - do you think this could be helpful at all to get a foot in the door, as far as becoming a competitive applicant goes?
  11. M

    Specialities with best work/life balance?

    Echoing strongly with everything you said here. I was tossing up between law, med and dent (UNSW med and law, UQ dent so "tier 1" I guess) and chose med for similar reasons as you. Are you interested in the "science" side of medicine as well? Law to med is a pretty big jump academically.
  12. M

    Specialities with best work/life balance?

    Sounds like the best decision you could have made at this point tbh. I'm curious - what are your reasons for leaning towards med?
  13. M

    Specialities with best work/life balance?

    Are you taking Newcastle med or staying with law?
  14. M

    Unsw timetable

    I think census date is 31 March 2015
  15. M

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. FM Assist.
  16. M

    2nd Round Offers for Medicine

    I called Tracey Bristow today to see if I might land an unbonded offer in second round offers, and she told me that she's pretty sure they won't be offering anyone in second round, and that third round might see some offers, unlikely as it is.
  17. M

    To all Med Hopefuls

    You could take a course in media/PR if you do medicine at UNSW, since there are compulsory general education subjects you need to take. You could even do arts/medicine at UNSW if you want to delve further into media/PR, although admittedly I'm not sure if that's counted under arts or not.
  18. M

    Questions about February Rounds.

    Yes. (you generally need to be enrolled by mid February though after accepting your offer)
  19. M

    To all Med Hopefuls

    Also not Medman, but my careers advisor told me that if you apply for EAS at USyd with a high ATAR (she threw around the figures 99.7-9?) you might land a MD interview if demand isn't high enough that year. This is probably in line with what redjnr mentioned above - the EAS thing might be there...