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  1. C

    BUSS1900 waiver test advice?

    What will the test be like? Any advice? Is it possible to drop it immediately even if I fail the waiver test? Do I even need to do anything? I have a week left.
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    Combined Laws with Commerce UNIT/SUBJECT/MAJOR HELP!!!

    Hello, Got offered combined laws (with commerce) at USYD. I need help with picking my units and subjects. I am pretty much lost, so I need a concise answer. Do I do only the core LAW units in the first three years, and then my remaining core LAWS units (alongside my law electives) in the...
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    Post Your 2014 University Offers Here

    COMBINED LAW AT USYD!!!!!!!! Hey Rish! Do we do anything to accept the offer? or Just rock up on the day?
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    Sydney Uni Text

    Got it too! Combined Laws baby!
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    What happens on MAIN ROUND OFFERS DAY ( CommLaw)

    So, did you pick your majors on same day as enrollment, or wait, and did USYD give instructions on how you many your timetable? Sorry if I'm being ignorant, I just want to everything to go smoothly.
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    What happens on MAIN ROUND OFFERS DAY ( CommLaw)

    WAIT!! When do we? or do USYD make them
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    What happens on MAIN ROUND OFFERS DAY ( CommLaw)

    What happens on the 16th of Jan Main round Offers day. I'll get an offer for combined Law, and I accept. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE? Do I pick majors/subjects/anything. I'm doing commerce with laws. Someone walk me through this please? Cheers.
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    Commerce/LAWS, Usyd or UNSW?

    Why USYD? I do prefer USYD as a place, man this is a hard decision.
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    Commerce/LAWS, Usyd or UNSW?

    Thanks Omnipotence :)
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    Commerce/LAWS, Usyd or UNSW?

    3..2..1.. fight mofos. Convince me.
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    Transfering into USYD LAW

    Hey, Got so damn close to the LAW cut-off for USYD. Can one of you BOS'ers please explain the options I have to transferring in? Cheers guys, I know you won't let me down :)
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    Best advice for Year 11 (poor) into HSC?

    Don't fall on the one belief that seems to damage everyone: I did "poor" in year 11, so I will probably do poor in Year 12. Could never be more wrong.
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    ATAR ESTIMATE please :)

    School rank: 39 Chem: 3/91 Math ext 1: 1/113 Math ext 2: 2/54 Phys: 1/67 English adv: 12/138 Thanks BOS :)