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  1. D

    UWS to UNSW Computer Science Transfer

    Yeah I did miss out on an offer for Comp Sc at UNSW because my school gave me a zero for my trials, completely based on allegations which really screwed my marks. My knowledge does lie heavily in Computer Science however Visual Arts was my best HSC subject. What do you recommend I should do...
  2. D

    UWS to UNSW Computer Science Transfer

    Hi all! I've got two offers at the moment, my first is for Media Arts at COFA and my second is for Computer Science at UWS. Right now I'm thinking of taking the COFA offer and internally transferring into the Computer Science/Media Arts Dual Degree after the first year. However I am also...
  3. D

    Transferring into Dual Degree

    Hey all, I had my heart set on doing the Computer Science/Media Arts Dual Degree but felt a bit short on the ATAR for it. However, I received an offer from COFA for just the Media Arts part and I was wondering: 1) How hard it would be to transfer into the Dual Degree? 2) Would it be...