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  1. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    :O how did you know? did you hear it on facebook lol
  2. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Hello there, my friend just got the offer yesterday, in their equities derivatives department :)
  3. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    I think mid tiers would probably leave you in the dark, but usually big 4 would notify you. EY called me yesterday saying I got rejected, and the AC was on Wednesday so they contacted me more than a week after :/
  4. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    i had my PwC AC yesterday and i got an offer today at 5:58 :) thank you paynee, seremify and everyone else here who helped me out!! your advice and commitment to the thread was really invaluable, thank you!
  5. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Hey, is anyone going to PwC next wednesday? :hug2:
  6. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Cool! I applied for tax :) Btw does anyone know roughly how much of the interview is based on the business area that you applied for? Thanks!!
  7. stickytape

    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Hi there!! I'm going on that day too ^-^ I'll see you there! Btw I'm in the same position as you; I did my phone interview last night and I got a call today! By the way, which business area did you apply for?