Search results

  1. C

    Reformation/shift in medical system

    Based on anecdotal evidence and my own observations, I feel that nowadays GPs are primarily (of course not always) treating patients either for flu or depression, and just being the first point of contact either to 1) prescribe medication or 2) refer to a specialist. This system is inefficient...
  2. C

    Federal Budget 2015

    Joe Hockey's budget plan for 2015 was released today (Tuesday 12 May 2015). You can find out more here at Opinions everyone? Please be sensible :)
  3. C

    Getting into USyd for 2nd Round Offers?

    Hey guys, so somehow I structured my UAC preferences really poorly such that I have a high chance of getting into UNCLE instead of USyd for my main round offers (for a particular course). I've now changed my mind - now I'm hoping to do a Bachelor of Advanced Science at USyd instead. Assuming I...
  4. C

    Melbourne University MMI Interviews

    Hi all, I'm applying to Melbourne Uni for a Bachelor of Science CSP with the intention of pursuing the Doctor of Medicine program (MD). According to VTAC/UoM, anyone with a 99.90 or 99.95 ATAR will be accepted for the Chancellor Scholars Program, with a guaranteed entry into MD. The funny...
  5. C

    People with Photographic Memory!

    Heya I'm sort of surprised there hasn't been a thread for this yet...but just out of curiosity, does anyone here actually have legit photographic memory or knows of someone who does? And does it actually help with high school and uni exams? And what is the capacity you have (like 3 A4 pages...
  6. C

    Protocols - accepting offers from different tertiary admission centres?

    Hey guys, I'm from interstate and will be applying to QTAC, UAC and VTAC. For QTAC, offers come out on 15 Jan 2015 and applicants must respond by 22 Jan 2015 10am. Meanwhile for UAC, first-round offers come out 21 Jan 2015 6pm and second-round offers come out 3 February 2015. My first...