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  1. H

    Help with deciding commerce double degree

    Hi there everyone! I was wandering if someone could help me with my dilemma. I am thinking of doing either Bachelor of Commerce (Professional Accounting)/ Bachelor of Applied finance or Bachelor of Commerce (Professional Accounting)/ Bachelor of Business Analytics at MQ. The thing is i'm not...
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    Turning 18 during HSC

    Feels.. I turned 18 two days ago on the day of the math 2 unit exam. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    English Advanced Paper 2 [Discussion/Thoughts]

    The Metropolis and 1984 question was abit odd asking about cultural conversation. But the hamlet and art of travel questions were pretty good. THANK GOD ENGLISH IS FINALLY OVER!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UTS Bachelor of business

    I’m located in the South west region of Sydney Yes if I go Macquarie I’m considering the Bachelor of commerce- professional accounting with business analytics Or the Bachelor of commerce- professional accounting with applied finance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UTS Bachelor of business

    Hey guys, I’ve been considering putting bachelor of business and creative intelligent and communication on my UAC form. But talking with others, I’ve heard that the bachelor of business degree is inferior and simple in comparison to the bachelor of commerce degree from unsw, mq or usyd. Is this...
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    hsc science and maths questions sorted by topic

    Can you please share the link with me as well. Thanks :)
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    Art of Travel

    Hi, Are the notes still available? If so could I please get a copy. Email: Thanks in advance!
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    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Lucky my exams start tmr, didn’t even get them properly enjoy the Easter weekend. English got me like Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    pOH in HSC chem

    Fan96 is correct, apologies for incorrect information[emoji28] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    pOH in HSC chem

    Yes they will be included in HSC exams alongside pH. It’s basically the same formula as pH but instead of H+ it’s OH- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Unanswered Questions that have been bugging me

    Hi everyone, This is my first time creating my own thread, might as well start in year 12. I have a few unanswered questions that i would love answered. How much effect does the school you go to have on your atar? How do you keep youself motivated through year 12? I am having a hard time...
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    The Guide To Applying For A Selective School

    For the hurlstone entrance exam do u think there is an chance that there will be a narrative topic instead of an essay topic.
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    Guide to Applying for a Selective School 2nd edition

    For the hurlstone entrance exam do u think there is an chance that there will be a narrative topic instead of an essay topic.
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    Entrance exams for Hurlstone Agriculture High School(Year 8)

    Is there a chance that there will be a narrative topic instead of an essay topic
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    Entrance exams for Hurlstone Agriculture High School(Year 8)

    what was the topic for the writing portion of the entrance exam I'm trying out this year and i really want to make it in.