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  1. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Medentry UCAT prep group discount

    is there a link or something?
  2. kpopiskillingmyatar

    lol im freaking out

    so over the holidays i had a bucketload of things to do.... did i do them? no. i have 2 assignments and a bunch of homework i had to do and school starts on wednesday and idk what to dooooo help me. idk where my motivation has gone...
  3. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Student Number Help :(

    Everyone's starting number is different, I think it has to do with the school because most of my year's starts with 311 but there are some people who moved to our school this year who starts with 318 or smth else.
  4. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019ers Chit-Chat Thread

    i think around 6 or 7
  5. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I am but the teacher still doesn't know when the class will start which frustrates me because we've already started year 12
  6. kpopiskillingmyatar

    ✨✨Lit lit Study Matters thread for da best 2019 fam✨✨

    i'm finally dropping from advanced maths to standard i am literally so happy hgdhkbsljjhsakjs
  7. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019s Prelim HSC Chit Chat Thread

    shhhhhhhhh (there were no other subjects okay?)
  8. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019s Prelim HSC Chit Chat Thread

    isn't it engineering?
  9. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019s Prelim HSC Chit Chat Thread

    STEM God? Please, I'm doing 7 units of science B)
  10. kpopiskillingmyatar

    dropping to standard?

    The careers advisor said it's too lateeeeeee. I think I'll just do standard i guess.
  11. kpopiskillingmyatar

    dropping to standard?

    I'm in a really difficult situation right now. I'm currently doing advanced maths but really badly. My final mark is 39% and i only passed one assessment (51%) this year. I need a 94 atar for the course i want but i think maths is really pulling me back and i think that by doing standard maths...
  12. kpopiskillingmyatar

    My teacher had to scale our chemistry marks they were so bad!

    We just got our yearlies back as well. The avg. was 40% but most of the people i asked were in the 30's or 20's... i just passed and was one of the few people who did. But remember this years syllabus is a lot harder than last years, my teacher said that we learn a lot of things that the the...
  13. kpopiskillingmyatar

    What do they do with the HSC exams?

    Like after they've marked them and everything... what do they do? Do they just throw them out or what?
  14. kpopiskillingmyatar

    2019s Prelim HSC Chit Chat Thread

    y'all... i just realised once i drop the subjects i'm dropping for year 12, all i'm doing is science (plus eng and maths but ew) 0-0
  15. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Are the ATARS for UAC and VTAC different?

    so if i apply to uni's from both uac and vtac i'll get different atars from both?
  16. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Are the ATARS for UAC and VTAC different?

    Like basically is the atar you get from each one different? Because they're different institutions from different states so do you get compared with that state?
  17. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Extension Science 2019

    nope, i go to a private school though - ranked in the 200's
  18. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Extension Science 2019

    Lmao I've been waiting for this course since year 10... whoops. But yep, I'm doing it next year and I'm so so excited hehe.
  19. kpopiskillingmyatar

    Chose subjects i hate and am now failing everything

    Science extension is actually the equivalent of maths extension... so no.