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  1. S

    General Calculation Question

    So in hsc exams like phys and chem do you always have to substitute values into your equation for example if you found a value that had a symbol could you just put that symbol during working out instead of having to write it especially if its unrounded and long and also for some questions can...
  2. S

    Can you ask the hsc supervisors to remind you the time?

    for the last 4 tests, I can't see the timer after like 20 mins into the test idk why, I have glasses nor do I have vision problems one time i fixed it during English by rubbing my eyes but it doesn't work anymore, so is it possible to ask the supervisor to remind you the time instead of having...
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    What was the stimulus for creative in today hsc paper

    I saved creative till last and rushed it you need to include the had a stimulus, what was it so I know ahead of time if I’m fucked or not
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    Accuracy Reliability General Questions for Phys and Chemistry

    1. Are you allowed to use your calculator to find standard deviation to evaluate reliability of results for chemistry and phys 2. For Accuracy when finding % error would you use the theoretical value rounded to sig figs or the unrounded value 3. Are you even allowed to use % error to evaluate...
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    What 2021 Trial Papers with solutions are Avalible?

    What title says
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    What everyones best method for preparing for exam/essay?

    What the title says also are notes pointless?
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    Tables for Science

    I heard that if you dont rule and close of your table the markers are not allowed to read your table is that true, and for chemistry would you need to close of and rule every ice table?
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    How are you actually meant to study for English

    I never studied for english so how are you meant to do it and hsc is really soon, so any information will be helpful