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Search results

  1. wave2earth

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    ive actually been in sg the whole time so i was partially lying but this is what my friends have experienced and said: obviously the edutest is available online as you already know. you can purchase them for a pretty high price online but i think if youre worried about the exam its pretty worth...
  2. wave2earth

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    sghs is fine its not as hard as you think, especially for y11.
  3. wave2earth

    should I still try if I know I'm dropping a subject?

    not sure if im late but yes you should still try. the thing about y11 courses (at least at my school, but i believe in general) is about getting a taster for what those subjects will be like in y12. just because youve gone through one task and dont want to do the subject anymore doesnt...
  4. wave2earth

    unsw leaders adjustment factors

    hey! based on what i know its just school captains. i dont believe having things like prefect or house captain would go towards the eapl.
  5. wave2earth

    13/15 discursive task

    first task from y11
  6. wave2earth

    core i: the legal system topic tests + solutions

    given by classroom teacher. its super simple stuff but i think it really helps with casual revision. topic tests and solutions for: basic legal concepts sources of contemporary law classification of law law reform (in action)
  7. wave2earth

    core i: the legal system revision scaffold

    this was given to my class right before task 1 this term. it helps as final active recall revision.
  8. wave2earth

    notes for y11 core i: the legal system

    its the whole course, really didnt need much else for my first exam (17/20)