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  1. T

    Business Administration

    I finished HSC in 2004, and because my UAI wasnt high enough, i chose an Adv. Dip in business management and marketing at Williams Bus. College in Nth. Sydney. After i have finished this in 1yr, i get auto entry to UC to do the BBA coure. Just out of interest, does anyone know the UAI cut...
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    calm down

    lmao... yeh that isnt nice, but i deadset cracked up when i saw that how aussie is that? im fucked and i hope u are too oh i luv it
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    Indigenous and/or shelter

    hey.. it seems like im one of the only people in the forum who actually does these topics who else does them? i'd love to talk to them about various stuff before tommorow! everyone doin those topics - MSN me Thanks
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    Multiple Choice Help

    1. next 2. next 3. c 4. only BOUND by higher, but must take same level into consideration 5. b 6. International Labour Organisation i think......
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    Indigenous Option

    International Labour Organisation World Intellectual Property Organisation Working Group For Indigenous People WGIP is in the syllabus.. but the other two are just international law reform agencies i think
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    Indigenous Peoples!

    i would be using more than 2 Botswana - EU had to come in and tell the gov. to piss off after the tried urbanising the Botswana IPs NZ - Maori's have 2 seats reserved for them in parliament Japan - Ainu peoples totally wiped out by the japs Canada - Inuits show example of Cultural...
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    Indigenous Peoples!

    i would be using more than 2 Botswana - EU had to come in and tell the gov. to piss off after the tried urbanising the Botswana IPs NZ - Maori's have 2 seats reserved for them in parliament Japan - Ainu peoples totally wiped out by the japs Canada - Inuits show example of Cultural...
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    Indigenous Option

    lol oh no... exam is tommorow and no notes? ok this is basic, but its a start Issues: - sovereignty - self determination - struggle with TNC's - struggle to maintain affinity with the land - cultural integrity - self identification Law Reform Agencies: - UN (IP's not allowed in) -...
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    criminal or sentencing?

    prima facia is what the DPP tries to prove at the committal hearing, which is held in the local court in front of a magistrate. this is where it can be shown that there is enough evidence to obtain a conviction. thats for indictable offences; for summary offences i think that everyone just...
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    Law and society HR

    i think u say that the legal system has responded by signing these covenants, but pretty much ignoring them.... its the truth at least
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    really? you think its going to be on effectiveness... again?!

    is it just me, or does it seem like its "effectiveness" every year? like for example with focus studies, there is two questions, i'm sure that nearly always one of them is: "Discuss the issues invovled with <insert topic> and assess the effectiveness of remedies provided by various...
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    List of themes to know for essays

    wat do u mean by themes? arent you just supposed to relate everything to the syllabus?
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    HSC 2003 CRIME question

    for effectiveness, dont u have to talk about what the syllabus describes as effectiveness? - equality - accessability - enforceability - efficiency of human resources - consideration of individual rights ?
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    Number of issues for each essay

    lol nah sophie.. i think she was sayin that to me, cuz i was a smartarse lol... hey its not my fault.. i just found it funny!
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    Sexual assault case 2004

    my legal teacher marked HSC papers last year - apparently there was more than one person who wrote about this case, and instead of calling him Bilal Skaf, referred to gang rapist MARK SKAIFE (he's a V8 supercar driver for those who were unsure)
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    Shelter and Law Reform

    lol i hav no idea about that one... for law reform for shelter i basically talk about - legislation: Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2004 (NSW) no. 26 - courts: various cases - changing social values: mainly how like decades ago white australia didnt care about aboriginies at all.. now...
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    Various Issues

    lol yeh aren't governments great? (don't get me started on the state government.....) :mad:
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    oh thats right - Necessity and Duress - although they are complete defences there are the 2 levels of complete defece - "Absolute" (aquittal) and "Qualified" (lesser sentence; reduces murder to manslaughter etc.) Thanks for that
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    latin terms

    nah dude thats it.. i think its from Heineman.. thats the one our teacher was using however after thinking about it - i googled it, and came up with this Ignoratia Juris Neminem Excusat - "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" so i was close... i guess i just can't read / remember my own...
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    Various Issues

    lol yeh i did actually understand your notes! Thanks for that. The only question i have now is, i can see after reading the above notes that there is declarations and covenants etc. that our gov. has signed and yet isn't doing a whole lot. If the question was something like "domestic...