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  1. makemearedcape

    ITT: we post recommendations for discounted beauty products

    Thought I might start a thread where we can all post specific websites/stores/sales for cheaper beauty products. For nail polish, I like to buy it from - even with shipping, it works out at least 60% cheaper than if I buy it here. Shipping is fairly good, I got my package in...
  2. makemearedcape

    Is sex a dealbreaker?

    Is bad/no sex a dealbreaker in your relationship?
  3. makemearedcape

    Balance ?

    For some of the past essays I've done, the teacher has always commented that I should have more balance between texts ie. address each text in equally. However, should the prescribed text be discussed more or to the same degree as the ORT's? If the question asks to discuss two ORT's, should...
  4. makemearedcape

    Chemistry or Senior Science?

    So today... I get called up by my careers advisor to discuss my future in chemistry. I feel quite confident this year, that although Year 11 was a pure and utter disgrace, I can do much better in Year's all in the attitude! But um yes, the story continues... I had accepted...
  5. makemearedcape

    Microdermabrasion anyone?

    I was just wondering if anyone here has undergone microdermabrasion before? If so, does it really work, and how many sessions did you have to complete before you saw results? What kind of price range would I be looking at for a session?
  6. makemearedcape

    I'm falling behind in Chemistry

    I had my parent/teacher/student interviews at the end of last term, and as I had predicted, I'm not doing so well in Chemistry. Does anyone have any tips/help specifically related to studying Chemistry that they could offer? Anything something that has possibly helped you...