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  1. H

    The End For 2007

    tomorrow....9:00am - my work is due. And i'm finished. :) So what has everyone thought of the course? Did it live up to your expectations? Did you do better/worse then you expected? are you glad its over? I am in a way, but know i will miss it and pick up things i wished i changed...
  2. H

    Ahh Tomorrow!

    is the sbmission of EVERYTHING for the final time :) im really happy with it so far - have received full marks for the assessments so far. completed my rationale yesterday and its a little weaker then i would have liked but it was awesome to get everything printed out and finalised. i am...
  3. H


    Hey, just wondering if any poets willing to post some opening lines or maybe even an opening poem?? I started reflection statementing today YAYA!!
  4. H


    if so far - 18/20 for proposal 20/20 for viva 10/10 for report = 48/50 does that make it impossible for me to get 50/50 for the course??? even if i get 50 external im first in the course btw cheers
  5. H

    i need your opinion!

    it's a little tricky seeing you haven't read my body of work but i am interested in which title you believe to be more eyecatching and/or intriguing. If you like neither feel free to let me know!! So the two options are..... 1. NEUTRAL OR 2. 'Hit and Run' CAST YOUR VOTE!
  6. H

    struggling with reflection statement !! ??

    this is mostly aimed at extension 2 survivors not current ones but i have drafted just a few points for my reflection statement and I am already up to 900 words! so, how restrictive did you find the word limit on the ref stat? i.e: could you fit in everything you wanted to state or did you...
  7. H

    in 3 words

    outline your B.O.W...
  8. H

    2007 poetry B.O.W titles!

    is it presumptious to be considering titles without a complete first draft lol?? im considering -'NEUTRAL' -'ROAD/RAGE -'ROADWORKS' or something along those lines lol wat is everyone else considering??
  9. H

    how true is it??

    i heard today that it is impossible to get a UAi that is 90+ if you do a general subject, irrespective of how well you go in that subject. Is this true? lol, it better not be!
  10. H

    naming your characters

    how do u guys doing short stories or even poetry - come up with the perfect character names to fit. I've been through heaps of them but nothing is fitting (mostly cos his name has to start with a certain letter) so yer, let me now how you find your character names cheers
  11. H

    2007 Hand-in Date!

    i know, i know. it kinda makes it official -we have a b.o.w due! ARGH!! as in one that must be complete! anyway the school hand in date is....22 AUGUST ....26 weeks, 3 days ....185 days
  12. H

    what i have so far for 07..

    hi, i have my theme/concept/research pretty much done and dusted so i figure now is as good time to get some feedback (you have my full permission to be harsh) from some external perspectives. so, if anyone would mind taking a look at some stuff for me it would be greatly appreciated...