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  1. axlenatore

    Bachelor of Science - Questions

    I am a chemistry major. You should do some level of math at university however to be an organic and medicinal chemist the level of maths you require isn't too high. Instead maths is more needed for physical chemistry if you do anymore than the basic required level of it. 1. Yes, you can get...
  2. axlenatore

    2011 "funny quirk of my day" thread

    Ive never done autonomy day, Ive always been too tired after the scav hunt.
  3. axlenatore

    2011 "funny quirk of my day" thread

    Continuing on from last years thread For me it was a poster which asked for males to donate sperm to a lesbian couple who wish to have babies.
  4. axlenatore

    Rollcall 2011!

    Im still here, 3rd year.
  5. axlenatore

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    funniest quirk for me recently was my maths lecturer saying "size doesnt matter, area does"
  6. axlenatore


    Not too much harder, its a combination of new work extending off hsc, in physical chemistry you look at acids and bases extending off the hsc section on this, but of course they look deeper into it. Organic chem is a bit harder it requires to most study and inorganic chemistry pretty easy So...
  7. axlenatore

    General Chit-Chatter

    haha same, heaps of mine got delayed till the day back so im going to b ebusy doing those and catching up on all the maths ive missed. Stupid 5 subjects
  8. axlenatore

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    haha, thats what i assumed you meant. I doubt anyone would suggest the other alternative of a lottery like distribution
  9. axlenatore

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    How would you do random recipients, youd either have to do a specific group, everyone or no one
  10. axlenatore


    its uni, its not school, you are not spoon feed information. Youre expected to do a lot of study and reasearch yourself. Background reading is useful if you want to understand the concepts and basics of the course as well. you can be directed to others texts as well, as some cover specific...
  11. axlenatore

    Assessment Overload

    Same, something like that, but then again Im doing 5 subjects. I average 3-4 assesments a week but sometimes they are just lab reports or maths quizes
  12. axlenatore


    if you guys have either Chris or Andy as your demonstrator then, youre set they are the best, I had doug for 1010 and he was lazy, haha. Chris gave me the nickname knob toucher in 1020 :(
  13. axlenatore

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    I like them to be a of a female nature, bout it
  14. axlenatore

    chicks cars that you were ashamed to drive but didn't care by the end of your trip

    Re: chicks cars that you were ashamed to drive but didn't care by the end of your tri Yaris, then again its considered a gays car not a chicks car, but still.
  15. axlenatore

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    hehe reminds me of one of my 1st year chem lectures, my group of mates sat up the back when we had lectures in the nursing threatre, and down the front this girl was playing pokemon on her laptop, and everyone behind he was cheering everytime she won a battle. It was pretty lols
  16. axlenatore

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    One of my lectures for MATH2310, will whisper into the mic "it's magic" everytime, its awesome. My quirk of the day was yesterday though, Im a second year engineer, yet I had a lecture on what a full stop, comma, semi colon, colon, etc was. We got a sheet which had all the different punuation...
  17. axlenatore

    What do you wear to Uni?

    i wear shorts/boardies and t-shirts everyday of the uni year. I where band shirts or football jerseys on the days where we get large groups of people to wear them
  18. axlenatore

    Software Engineering/Computer Science kids

    the diagnostic quiz means shit, i didnt do it, anyway if you did general maths you are going to struggle, seeing as the majority is 4 unit hsc + new stuff for them, if you only did 3 unit or less its 75% new work
  19. axlenatore

    First Day of Uni...

    Dude wanless is my hero, i spent all last year just ripping her off, and i have the option of interviewing her for an assignment this year, and i just laughed Chem1010 is a bluge