Most people who don't get into chiro straight away, just do a plain bachelor of science. They just choose the subjects from the program for the chiropractic degree and then transfer over to do chiro when they can, or if they can't transfer over they do the whole science degree then do Masters...
The bachelor of chiropratic science degree basically just gives you a science degree, but you do 1 unit of chiropractic each semester. To become fully qualified as a chiropractor you must complete the masters of chiropractic degree. Only at the end of the degree are you fully qualified. Although...
I got a few mates that live at the village they love it there. I reckon its one of the best on campus accomodation that i have seen at a uni. I think its either 3 or 4 rooms upstairs each with their own shower and toilet and another bedroom downstairs. Then there is a shared living area, kitchen...
Are they ever going to get rid of our old online units on blackboard? They used to remove them automatically, but i still have subjects up from 2nd semester last year.
Has anyone done a waiver form here? Just wondering how you go about getting an unnoffical academic transcript, as it says i need to hand one in but doesnt say where to get one from.
I assume your talking about Human Physiology. They didn't just screw the marks for the two students with same surname but they screwed up the entire year. Some people were given 17 out of 43 when they actually got in the 30's.
No need to stress it is because the 3rd lecture is in a different lecture room, not the mason theater. Same thing happened last year. Its because there are a lot of clashes with the 3rd lecture so they are using a smaller room. There will be plenty of places for you to sit and there is no need...
Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2
Selling following books:
BIOL108 - Inquiry into life by Mader $90 Sold
CBMS - Chemistry: Central Science by Brown Lemay & Burston $90 - SI chemical data $20 Sold
PM me if interested
No, and for many subjects you dont need text books at all. For most of my subjects last year the lecturers just summarized the main points from the texts books in the lecture.
Go to this website Timetable Maker put in your units and make your timetable. Not sure about the second question, i assume its still through e-student, but thats not till January.
Im doing a chiropractic science degree at macqaurie. The first year gives you a base of all sciences eg bio, chem and physics. As the years progress you develop more understanding towards the chiropratic field doing chiropratic subjects and subjects like anatomy, radiology, pathology, phsiology etc.
I had the exact same problem. All you have to do is take 20% of each of your subjects which will be your discount price. Once you work out the discounted prices of all your subjects add them together and that will be the amount due. Pay the amount that you worked out and in a few days it will be...
CHIR104 - Chiropractic Principles and Skills 1B
CBMS103 - Introductory Chemistry B
PHYS159 - Concepts in the Physical Sciences
BIOL115 - The Thread of Life
CHIR133 - Histology
Hopefully CBMS103 is better then last semester CBMS101
Re: Semester 2 Results
I'm only a first year so don't be too hard on me, but will these be our overall marks for the subjects or will they add in the rest of our marks to our exam results which we just received.
Hope that makes sense. I'm stoked with my results so not too worried either way...