heyy guys!
jus wanted some suggestions..
im studying the play Away for the changing self unit and i wanted to know which text would b better to relate to the text Away..sky high or the door?
i know it also it depends on ur 3rd related text but still which one do u think will be better to...
heyy! hows it goin?! The first 2 days have been pretty good, didnt do that much! Its very bludgy...
Maria jus told me the history, u know how it is. Then came to ISC, and jus been here for the rest of time. Walked around, restarting comps, filling paper with printer. On mon..most of the time...
awww, im glad u had a great time :)
hahaha, u been a social butterfly aye..lol
who was hte one who wrote ur comments?
was it Maria?
I think she's the one who's gonna be in charge of me ? is she nice? i've only spoken to her once, she seems alright!
ahh dont worry about...
heyy tooheys!
how did ur first day go? Hope u had fun! =)
What kinda stuff did u do?
I spoke to Maria. She told me the first day I'm going to broadway, the tower building..
how far is UTS from central station..is broadway easy to find?
ok, ttyl =)
Thanks Tooheys!!
Thanks Tooheys! :)
heyyy tooheys! Thank u soo much! I found work placement @ UTS! :)
I didnt try there before becuz I assumed that it wouldnt have any vacancy, but then since u said they do. I called and i was lucky that april was the only one not taken! =) They only take...
heyyy tooheys! Thank u soo much! I found work placement @ UTS! :)
I didnt try there before becuz I assumed that it wouldnt have any vacancy, but then since u said they do. I called and i was lucky that april was the only one not taken! =) They only take one student per month!
You're goin...
thanks! :) I called most of the places u listed..but no luck! they all have some1 in that week! :(
I got work placement not next week but the week after, so its in 2 wks..
so i guess they're all are taken..still looking for one tho..
jus some q's!
hey, thanks for some of the ideas! Jus wondering tho..
UTS? like wat department in UTS? is there jus like an IT department?
- supre headoffice, Marickvile- where is Marickville exactly?
is it far from parra?!
hmv city? like do work placement in the shop or is there...
Hey guys!
I really need a place to go for work placement. I know its workplacement and we're supposed to be given a place to go to but our skool has all these crappy places...that i really dont wanna go to! Last year was sooooooo daym boring!! I want to go somewhere good, so I'm gonna find my...
My half yearly exam is on the 2nd topic (Aus place in the global economy). Just wanted to know about the essay q's..any ideas on wat the essay question might b on?
IPT is cool :)
IPT is not boring, it can be if u aint into comp stuff otherwise its pretty cool. You shouldnt pick it, if u definetly know ur not a computer person! Trust me, other subjects are much more boring!!
heyy guys!!
wassup? I dropped chem and picked up senior science for yr.12. I got my first prac coming, jus wanted to know, how do u prepare for them (cuz havent done any for this subject) and wat kinda things may the prac be on?
its gonna b based from the 2 topics bionics and lifestyle...
I really need some help in finding a visual (no movies/films) that shows changing self. I can't find any good ones! And it strictly cannot be a movie.
Any ideas where I can find some? :confused:
and please no Micheal Leunig ones, they've become to common, everyone seems to be...
Hey, im trying to look for changing self texts, tho its hard to find good texts where u can talk about things like techniques etc..
any good places where i can find some good texts?!
I need things like poems, cartoons, etc.
thanks!! :)