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  1. fretsonfire74

    Anyone else's UAI getting dragged down cause of English?

    Mine is. Not as badly as physics is doing it though. I think I did really well in paper 1 though.
  2. fretsonfire74

    How many pages for Modules

    I get about 4 or 5. I have small writing, but the lines are spaced pretty far apart in the writing booklets. I run out of time if I write any more.
  3. fretsonfire74

    which out of the three essays should be done first

    I do the easiest first because that's where my marks will be. If I don't finish the one I'm not good at, then I won't lose that many marks, but if I don't finish the one I'm good at, then I lose more marks. That's how I see it anyway.
  4. fretsonfire74

    band 6 hope gone

    Exactly. Much better attitude. If it's worked for you in the rest of the year, there's no reason it won't work now. Good luck with getting the band 6, but if you don't, it's not like it's the end of the world. Good luck with the rest of the HSC, too.
  5. fretsonfire74

    Physical journey - understading of the world

    Just something else, make sure you answer the question! Don't just do a big brain dump of all the knowledge you have about journeys, answer what they're asking and use this info to support it.
  6. fretsonfire74

    Q's for the Guys

    1. What do you find do fasinating about breasts and girls asses? I don't know exactly, I think it's because they stick out and are more easily accessible. 2. Would you still respect a girl if she was a friend with benefits? I've had them, and yes. 3. What is so scary about tampons...
  7. fretsonfire74

    why an investigation is best undertaken individually or by a team

    Individually beceause it's easier to keep track of etc. Better as a team because then people pay more attention to their own roles and/or you can include repetition. <---- Basic Answers.
  8. fretsonfire74

    asessment help plz!!!

    I can't remember exactly because I'm at school now and don't have my bio folder, but I think you're meant to discuss palaentology and a few other things. Sorry for the VERY sketchy and limited help, but I can help you out when I get home. Embryonic study I think is another one. I.e. Examining...
  9. fretsonfire74

    hix, can anyne help me for some of question, duedate coming soon, please help me!

    If your answer 2 is serious (which it could be a viable answer) it could be because Australia's bush is sclerophyll forests, so they thrive when bush fires hit. and 3. could be because America don't really have sclerophyll forests.
  10. fretsonfire74

    Electromagnetic induction Assessment HELP!!!

    This one is piss easy. You basically just have a copper coil attached to a galvanometer (whether it's a digital multimetre or an analogue galvanometer is a different story), and you move the magnet in and out of the coil at different speeds, with more or fewer magnets, etc. So you basically go...
  11. fretsonfire74

    help. i need reasons why plants rather than animals are used for experiments

    Plants are used because there are ethical issues using animals, and the phenotype is more easily observed in pea plants. Also, pea plants grow quickly and are cheap, whereas animals can take years and are much more expensive.
  12. fretsonfire74

    Why the human sex ratio is only approximately 1:1

    The woman always has an Z chromosome for her egg, so the male gives the X or a Y. (X for female baby, Y for a male). It's 1:1 because it's totally random. To model it, try flipping a coin 20 times. you'll get almost 10 each. It probably won't be exact, but it'll be close.
  13. fretsonfire74

    hix, can anyne help me for some of question, duedate coming soon, please help me!

    Make a start, then maybe you'll get some help. What do you know so far?
  14. fretsonfire74

    Jacaranda Physics HSC

    My school uses it. it's pretty good IMO.
  15. fretsonfire74

    Einstien And The Photoelctric Effect ???

    It's this topic. Basically how light acts like particles or like a wave.
  16. fretsonfire74

    Westinghouse And Edison

    Actually it was westinghouse who won.
  17. fretsonfire74

    Einstein and Planck's differing view.plz proof read this for me

    You should talk about Planck more. Talk more about how his and Einsteins views clashed.
  18. fretsonfire74

    Slingshot effect

    Yes, but the change is so miniscule to the planet because it has so much mass, that it's negligible.
  19. fretsonfire74


    Well, a vaccine when they were first invented/being trialled was just a low concentration of the actual disease, so when your body is exposed to it, it knows how to counteract it. These days, the vaccines are a "dead" disease. So it's a dormant version.
  20. fretsonfire74

    Modelling Pasteur

    This is pretty much it. You have an open flask and one with a swan neck. Put a nutrient rich broth in each (smells alot like vegemite) and boil. You leave the open one open for about a week. Basically record bacteria/fungal growths and describe colour/shape etc. Never take the swan neck out...