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Search results

  1. R

    2004 uais higher or lower

    it depends on what subjects u do and how ppl achieve in those subjects compared to u. ur assessment mark is scaled majorly depending on how well u went in ur hsc exams. the UAI is very complicated and it does take into account how the rest of ur form and ppl in ur school went. this is just what...
  2. R

    Will this years UAIs be less than last year?

    the news states that that is the case generally... however it depends on what subjects u do and how ppl achieve in those subjects compared to u. therefore i think its hard to dettermine if ur UAI will be down or up compared to previous years. btw, around 95? are u dissapointed? please tell me u...
  3. R

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    hey dont worry most ppl who post here are highly intelligent... it dosent reflect the overall standard and marks throughout the subjects. the only ppl u will hear from are the high acheivers, as the low acheivers would not be keen on posting their marks. its good to see such intelligence...
  4. R

    Already know their results...

    i think.... the person who did hack it should be institutionalised for life for being the biggest nerd this world has seen and should surely seriously think about getting a life. as impossible as it is, nevetheless, i dun see any purpose in seeing ur marks 1day bfore it is released.
  5. R

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    look mate, the majority of ppl who post here are smart intellectually and thus are only too happy to show off their results. do u think if ppl get 40/100 in all their subjects would eva post their marks? how can u accurately account for the level of acheivement in the state? therefore u are...