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  1. U

    How much has your BOW cost?

    i just got a quote for my BOW, for getting it framed/mounted and everything and its going to cost $500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats with a discount for being a school student. i think im going to tell my principal that im not paying school fees for a while. its so fucken steep! plus i bought...
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    Visual Arts

    What have you heard about the different visual arts courses at the different uni's? i heard the college of fine arts is very conceptual based, rather than teaching you properly the technical aspects of painting, sculpting etc etc etc. i was just wondering where i should go, as the college of...
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    Visual Arts

    does anyone have information on visual arts at wollongong? i read that they concentrate on actually learning how to do different art things, rather than the college of fine arts, which tends to concentrate on the conceptual aspects, and sometimes leaves you guessing on the technical aspects...
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    how are you going with your note summaries? up to date? not even started? we have to hand ours in the first week back of evey term.... but its so hard! i have 2 do a topic summary during the holidays. but thats PLUS all the other cra i gotta do! stressing!!!!!!
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    Gary's House

    whose studying it? what scene are you doing? how are u playing the characters? im sue anne! hehe i love her......
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    where can you buy the tafe handbook from? and how much is it? Have you found it helpful? Is there enough info in there about all the courses? Have you done anything extra to find out about the courses?
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    where can i find scripts? also suggestions of techniques..... how many episodes are you studying? have you seen 'behind the frontline'? was that helpful... and what parts were helpful? What assessment have u/ will u do with this?
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    King Lear

    hey... any ideas on the 'values' in king lear rather than the themes. Like instead of blindness... truth. As the truth was found when Lear was blinded by his madness etc. And anyone got comments on the bondi pavilion performance of king lear. eg. costumes, setting, props, music etc? :D