bullshit u fuckin nerds dont u know wat it is??? fuckin hell its one day before the exam i think ur mistaking this mathematics 2 units for general.. if not...
ok then well do a couple make sure u know ur formulae then just look through a few more, but i'm gonna do 5 because i'm cool, not really but seriously i am.
if ur slack like myself and havent done any maths just relax and if you've listened all year in class u can still get like 85/100 which is pretty decent once its be aligned. today just do about 5 past paper concentrating on questions 1-8 then look at time repayments and try to get close to like...
i know these ones are correct...
15.b all of my mates answers seemed to vary on the calculation ones and wat the fuck was 12?
look mate i could... but wat the fucks in it for me. nah just kidding, but seriously. I dont even know wat a fukin curve is mate so ur already far beyond me... good luck to ya.
hasnt anyone looked at the other years? their's were infinitly easier. that exam was fuckin stupid. it had nothing straight forward in it and i think u'll all be very suprised with your marks. good luck with ur next exams though.
anyone who found that easy can get fucked but a raw mark of around 83 last year scaled to a band 6, however, that has no relevance to the scaling of this years because last years was much easier than ours... all in all it was shit!