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  1. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Hello lovelies. Still no results for me. Currently on a platform in Brussels waiting for a train to Amsterdam. Will be in Holland for the Cup. Go Holland!
  2. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    DONE! FINISHED! Goodbye undergraduate degree! :D
  3. KarmaKitten

    B Ec Soc Sci majors - help!

    Maybe because you only needed to do one junior subject to to qualify for senior WORK. Not sure if that is true, but that has always been my guess.
  4. KarmaKitten

    EXAM International Security in the 21st century Govt2225

    It is going to suck. Is it Gil Merom? if so, his exams just suck. They are too specific and require that you have done HEAVY reading of lecture/tutorial material
  5. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    only two weeks left of my undergrad. hellloooo holidays.
  6. KarmaKitten

    Big Issue Vendor

    He is such a nice guy. I used to always see him in the city as well. I haven't seen him around lately tho. I usually see him at eastern avenue or on the shepherd street entrance to uni.
  7. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    I agree. This autumn weather blows. bring on the cold.
  8. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    What a pointless day. I should have skipped today as well. Also, after years of not going anywhere near the direction of the St George area, I had forgotten what a shithole Hurstville truly is.
  9. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Skipped uni today as well, too rainy. Easter Friday, Sunday and Monday are public holidays. Its the Saturday that isn't.
  10. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Working the entire easter weekend :( But at penalties of 150%, can't complain too much.
  11. KarmaKitten

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    Group work sucks especially if it is in pairs. You never know whether that person is going to pike out on the day, call in sick, or just cancel on you for everything. Thankfully, my group presentation today went well! which is a first.
  12. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    I wish it was already over!
  13. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Aaah, a good wine after a long three days of uni.
  14. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Too tired. come on 10 weeks.
  15. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Well wednesday night is a good night to go, 1/2 price mussels and frites
  16. KarmaKitten

    Too tired of travel

    +2 HD average AND overloading? Wow.
  17. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    great weather! Belgian Beer Cafe tonight, delicious
  18. KarmaKitten

    buying coop books online

    Got my textbook today at 4pm without any queues hooray!
  19. KarmaKitten

    how would i go about...

    You will cook and clean and wash and give lifts? How... odd
  20. KarmaKitten

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Because studying sucks? The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that in three and a half months time I shall be in Europe and I can kiss my undergrad goooodbye!