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  1. M

    What is the first thing you'll do

    once you've received your first round offer?
  2. M

    let's calm each other down.

    everyone refreshing their window right now? :rolleyes:
  3. M

    what was the hardest question in your trial?

  4. M

    I don't get the preference thing

    Hey guys, i'm kinda confused bout this preference thing. my preferences for VTac are 1 MEd at Monash 2 MEd at Melbourne 3 MEd at Tasmania Say that I get my top preference for my interview, does that mean i can only get one interview oppotunity from Monash and...
  5. M

    Confused with application

    Hey guys! I'm a little confused with the application process of lodging for med. I'm keen to pursue med and is applying all around the country. I'm unsure about how to apply for University of Tasmania. Is it through VTAC? or through a separate portal? And also.... I'm wondering which uni...
  6. M

    Umat questions from today

    hey guys. I did the umat today and i just want to have some sort of indication of how i went in section two. Why did the girl respond the way she did to her mother, was it because she wanted to make her angry? or distance her self away from her family? Wat manner was her boyfriend...
  7. M

    james cook med application

    Hey guys. I just wanted to know how many of yous are applying for james cook med who are from major cities of australia and not rural tropical areas..... because apparently, they rarely give out offers to people who don't have a rural background.... I don't know if i should bother to...
  8. M

    question about accelerated 2 unit maths

    i was accelerated in yr 11 to do the 2 unit maths hsc at sku and i got a band 6 in it. i was just wondering whether it would count towards my uai calculation for the best 10 units even if i took up maths extension 2 :p
  9. M

    please answer!!

    7a 4c 5 iv 7a 7b iv 5 a iii 8 a ii :p thanks muchly