Search results

  1. P

    "based on the play by..." - Can i still do it?

    i'm lookign at doing somethign from the musical theatre realm for my IP, right. perhaps hello dolly. but then today when i asked her something about it she says "hang on, thats based on the play by thornton wilder" (and we're doing a play by him in the american theatre elective). so...
  2. P

    New Teacher!!

    OMG our E2 teacher just resigned. As in the last day of term. so now we have no mentor and the new teacher they've given us has never taught E2 before... which kinda sucks because she was the driving force behind our whole class. ANy advice? i mean, where do we go from here? our teacher...
  3. P

    Biopolymers ???

    Just wondering if anyone has been able to find much information about biopolymers around - for example PHA, PHB etc. As far as i can see the information in my textbook (CHem COntexts) is about enough to get a band one in the hsc and its been hinted by my teachers they could spring a 6-mark...
  4. P

    past paper responses

    i'm looking for the responses to past papers 2001 - 2004 Chemistry but the only ones i could find are from 2001. any ideas about where the rest of them may be? i didn't find the "notes from the markers" very useful on HSC site - it doesn't indicate what is the best response... help?