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  1. manly girl

    User submitted notes + weblinks

    My Notes: Transmission Media This is from my IT background, but I found it very usefull in telecommunications. If you want me to expand on any dot point, just ask. :: PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS Called Transmission Media Used to Join the components of a LAN. Can be cable or wireless...
  2. manly girl

    Bernoulli's Principal

    How in depth do we have to go into this? I know the basics of it (difference in pressure creates lift) but do we have to know any calculations or formulas? My teacher said it is not going to be on the HSC formula sheet, so we only need to have an understanding, but I don't know if I shoudl...
  3. manly girl

    Dates and Stuff

    When does school end officially? I go to a normal non-private state school.
  4. manly girl

    My Place

    Does anyone have decent stuff other than quotes on this novel? It would have to be the most boring book I have ever read, trust our school to pick it.