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  1. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    thx guys 4 all the info n shit ~ if i hadnt fuked up my preferences i wud b in uts. i called em today n its impossible 4 me to get in. im stuck at fukn macq. o well at least i can drive ther..
  2. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    hey wat r my chances of gettin into uts late round?? i screwed up my preferences and i put macq before uts so i got accepted into macq. the uts cut off was 90.25 and i had 90.7. i heard that the uai reqs rise like 6 points?! is there any way 4 me to make amends ~?
  3. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    mofos were arguing n cussin about relevance involving unsw n shit n now every1s talkin about soccer.. haha ~
  4. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    cheerz epsilon ~ appreciate that ~ what r the chances of me making uts in late round with a uai of 90.7?
  5. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    hey all, i appreciate the posts and subsequent arguement in light of my initial question .. imstead of starting a potentially personal arguement, mayb we can add or question statements made by others instead of criticising them completely. this discussion has provided me insight and i...
  6. E

    B Business at UTS or B Commerce at Macquarie ?!?!

    what are everyones thoughts? i have to make an important decision between the two. its frustrating as i have heard ppl tell me mq is better then some say uts is better.. i need some educated and experienced posts ~ help me ~ thx in adv
  7. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    just say i wana go b business, my offer atm is at macq comm, how would i change if i wanted to? shud i just accept this offer first or is it once uve accepted an offer its final?
  8. E

    plz help~! B business at UTS or B Comm at macq ?!

    can u break that down 4 me highlighting wher the advantages are over macq plz cuz im a dumbshit... whered u get this info from and is ther 1 for macq ? thx
  9. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    i applied for all the commerce's.. then the uai cutoffs this yr were low as fuk so now i can go to uts business which i really didnt expect.. u was expecting to go macq comm with my 90.7 uai cuz there were no other commerce courses avaiable. now uts decides to hav a uai cutoff of 90 something...
  10. E

    plz help~! B business at UTS or B Comm at macq ?!

    professional recognition? wtf.. then wat wud b the point in doing an accounting degree at uts? that sounds way to good to be true cuz if that was the case, the uai differential wud b much higher for uts.. im not saying ur lying, im just cross checking facts cuz this is an important decision 4...
  11. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    eyo epsilon, nice posts bro.. summed up well.. im weighing up whether its worth me travelling to uts each day when im 15 mins away from macq. the main reason im still confused is that 1 of my friendz said at uts u get more work experience or someshit? like wat epsilon said.. any1 got any...
  12. E

    plz help~! B business at UTS or B Comm at macq ?!

    yeh man i aleady kno that bit ;]
  13. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    i want to major in accounting as 1 pretty sure no fobz plz. abc's yea? and i live alot closer to macq..
  14. E

    plz help ~! B comm at macq or B business at UTS ??

    hey i need to make a decision on which i go to. what are the adv/disadv of each uni and which is better recognised by employers? thx in adv ~
  15. E

    plz help~! B business at UTS or B Comm at macq ?!

    hey can u guyz plz help me on whether business at uts is better or macq? wat r the disadvantages of each course and which r better recognised? i heard UTS campus looks very unwelcoming with no flora? i live nearer to macq so should i take that into consideration..?