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  1. H

    New Woroni Issue Out

    Part of me feels cheated by this--i have no class on friday anyway. Still, for everyone else that doesnt usually have a day off, enjoy :)
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    New Woroni Issue Out

    no idea what the survey was for but i'm straight BA (also straight and at Johns for anyone who cares) and dont have a job so i took the survey--money is money afterall.
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    Telling the Truth Related Texts

    I used Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister as well. its a good one for the way people have different truths and manipulate their circumstances to suit them
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    Confused about the structure of a Speer question - help please~

    I think you are on the right track with all the options. I suspect that they want you to assess how much impact Speer had within the Nazi regime (which is up to you to decide) and then evaluate whether his actions were self interested or inspired by the Nazi ideals (sorry, i know that it sounds...
  5. H

    Southpac closes, tragedy?

    Never been to either of them so cannot comment. No actually thats not true, i did once go to Quattro as i really needed a toilet and it was close by- this is a tragedy, I will now have to find a new toilet :(
  6. H

    Help With Modern History Plz

    I am assuming that the task you have to do is a sort of preparatory one for your real assignment. It sounds to me that what they want is an indication you have started to research your essay topic and have an understanding of what you need to cover. More info would be handy- if you want...
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    Albert Speer Essay Questions

    A timeline of the significant events in Speers life would be good. Not only should it include Speer's role in significant Nazi event but also the role of Signficant Nazi events in Speers life, especially those that led to him joining the party. A word of advice, every student in the state...
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    I would agree with the statement and suggest that propaganda and terror was used to garner support for policy. In a sense the people of Germany were tricked into supporting these policies through the culture of fear that the Nazi regime instilled within them. After using terror and propaganda to...
  9. H

    Initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933–1934 Syllabus

    Taking a step back from everything i just wrote, in the initial consolidation of power dont discount the very real threat of violence. If you get the oppurtunity try and watch Hitler:The Rise of Evil. This is a fairly accurate portrayal of events and establishes the atmosphere of the time...
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    Initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933–1934 Syllabus

    pretty much you are looking at all the steps taken by the Nazi's to ensure there was no opposition to the regime so the abolition of trade unions is a good start, you should also look at things such as abolition of other political parties, the treatment of religion and the catholic church...
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    1st years: Was/is uni as you expected/imagined it?

    Wow i aint doing law (thank god) but i am yet to taste HD (got two essays back where i missed out by one or two marks-OUCH) Uni life is good-bit busy here and there but mostly just enjoying the change and a new experience. Am amazed at how normal my sleep pattern is in comparison to many...
  12. H

    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Sustainability) that should be a start
  13. H

    Germany Half Yearly Question

    Yes the elites are the army, industrialists (junkers), business people etc. Also you can discuss Hindenburgs role-surely it cant have been good for democracy to have a head of state who believed in germany's militaristic past and was a devout supporter of the kaiser, especially given his age and...
  14. H

    Germany Half Yearly Question

    The questions for Germany tend to relate in a general sought of way to the failure of the republic and the conditions under which Hitler was able to seize power. There are two main lines of thoughts on this, one that the republic was structurally doomed to fail and the other that a series of...
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    Germany Half Yearly Question

    These are the areas that i would have commented upon as well, i dont think you should be worried, provided you covered these topics with as much detail and information is possible in such a short space of time i think you will find you have answered the question very well. I just loved this unit!
  16. H

    Studying For Germany..

    To an extent that is certainly right...I took the attitude that the central theme of the question would be the fall of the republic and rise of nazism, effectively the same thing in this situation. The trick is when they phrase it so it refers to a specific section of the course or a specific...
  17. H

    creating the nazi totalitarian state?! HELP?!

    Sorry i cant be of more help to you right now, my notes are 300km away and my mind is overloaded with other junk at the moment. If you are using the text book Republic to Reich see the relevant sections as from memory it is quite a good summary. Just quickly I would look at the ways in which...
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    Turning pints of WW1

    What about the allied blockade of the North German seriously restricted Germanys ability to cope on the home front and this has reaching repercussions.Perhaps not a major turning point but it certainly helped to shift the balance of power over time. Oh hang on, its really early in...
  19. H

    O-week '06; in retrospect:

    Its so like me to have gone to the Health Service before Uni bar (purchased more cough medicine than alcohol). My sister likes to tease me on this point-what ever makes her happy i suppose. It is quite humourous tho, doesnt tie in with the image of O-Week at all.
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    Heckler on Canberra

    I went on a gentle cycle around the lake last nite and was almost run over by the lycra wearing cyclist on racing bike as mentioned. I dont know if I qualify as the canberran described in this article. I am chosing not because I have only lived here for two weeks....