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  1. K

    intertextuality between texts HELPP!!!

    hey, just need a bit of help, with intertextuality!! what is it? like i know similarities and differences, but is it just with the set text. or is it also between your related material too?? i got no idea. kay x0
  2. K

    ATTN chemistry year 12 2007- HELP!!

    hey people, i needed some help. whilst doing some notes i had some trouble answering this question: ( if anyone could help me by saying what kind of things you would have to say to answer this question.. it would be SOOOOO HELPFUL!!! ) hopefulli. question: Assess the impact of the...
  3. K

    assessment: batteries: WEBSITES???

    hey i was just searching throught the internet and was wondering if anyone knows of any good sites for my assessment. its comparing dry cell batteries to button cells, in terms of cost, chemistry, structure and practicality and also impact on society and envrionment. SO PLEASE!! if anyone can...
  4. K

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    hey evry1 name's kay.. but anyway.. for year.. 11 and 12 i will be doing 3 sciences.. chemistry, physics and biology.. i was just wonderin what people think of that and if anyone else is doin three.. that includes.. earth and environmental so yea!:)
  5. K

    first gf bf?

    when was your first girlfriend or boyfriend and at what age? kay
  6. K

    ever been attractec to ur bestie??

    have you ever been attracted to one or a couple of your best friend..?? open to guys and girls.. :) :) :rolleyes: :)
  7. K

    what should i do?.......guy problems

    hey ppl, jus wonderin ok deres dis guy i like right but his ex is in my homeroom (in my year) and she knows i like him and she found out he got a mobile and she got his no and she keeps rubbin it in my face that she *went* out wif him last sat and she kept sayin oh yea i mite hav a bf...