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    ECON1101 Prescribed Textbook

    Hey if we wanna get the new book from the bookstore should we get the one with the study guide or the one with "Reading Between the Lines" ?
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    I am doing Bachelor of Economics I need help with selecting my courses, when I am at the "myUNSW Enrolment" page, I can not search for any of the electives, it only comes up with compulsory courses, and I have not received a letter with what I can choose from ie. the electives:confused: , so I...
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    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    Hey 'word.' isn't wat u just found the sector?
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    2u Mathematics Marathon v1.0

    I'm not sure how you do the spoiler thing but heres my answer anyways A=0.5r^2(angle - sin angle) =0.5*2.82 [ (40pi/180) -sin40 ] = 55.49 [2dp] I think
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    Past journeys papers

    Answers Does anyone want to post their answers for the questions to 'starting from central station' because I don't really get journeys put like that. Like in the independant I didn't really get the journey with the boy travelling everywhere
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    Dot Point Help??

    Please Elaborate So by that do you mean like I say the legal systme is not being effective because domestically-not protecting the rights of these refugees, and internationally - the UN can not really say anything to Australia to tell it to do something because of 'state soverignty' and...
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    Dot Point Help??

    Hey can soemone check if I've address this dot oint in the right way? and for the second dot point I'm not sure what to write about  Contemporary struggles for human rights The detention of illegal immigrant is a breach on the constitution law and international human rights. In the...
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    Justice Game Essay

    Hey I'm needin some help with a Justice Game Essay, I've looked on the submitted works and there isn't any essays. If any one has any sample essays could they send me a copy or post it up. Thanks
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    AVO case??? Need Help

    Thanks Hey Thanks for the help with legal media case, cause I was gonna just invent an article if I couldn't find one. But now I've got some it's all good. Thanks
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    AVO case??? Need Help

    Hey everybody I'm looking for an AVO case that was in the media recently-the man breached his AVO and raped his ex-wife then killed his kids and father-in-law. I can't seem to find any media articles concerning it. It was big at the time, as there was a Coroner's report saying how...
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    HSC Advice Line - 1. Biz Management & Change

    Any More Notes? Hey koukla Nice set of notes. Mine aren't in that much detail. Do you think you could post up ones from your other topics? :)