Search results

  1. D

    Software Engineering vs. IT

    The best advice would be to do BCom/BSc with accounting and computer science. That way you will actually understand both business AND IT, rather than the second hand crap found in IT courses.
  2. D

    Advanced Mathematics - what's it like??

    If you want to ensure employment after undergrad combine maths with commerce or engineering. Another path is to get a PhD and then look for higher level research type jobs. These are rare but can often be more interesting. One such area is what might be broadly called "scientific computing"...
  3. D

    doing finance and interested in investment banking

    I would say Finance honours are your best bet, provided you do well.
  4. D

    Syllabus development

    It would also be nice to stress that a derivative is a local linear approximation of a function. If linear algebra was in the course, the idea could be extended to multivariable functions. Argand diagrams, multiplication of complex numbers as rotation would go with this as well. Plots of...
  5. D

    Actuarial Studies

    I think we have different standards.
  6. D

    Actuarial Studies

    I think your questions can be answered by perusing the search function. I was going to rant about mass market higher education, but perhaps another time. I am categorically not advocating an academic career in mathematics or going after quant roles (other than as an exit route from academia)...
  7. D

    Actuarial Studies

    It is not possible to really understand applications of mathematics by studying the applications themselves (finance, actuarial, operations research, to a lesser but still considerable degree statistics etc). If one studies fundamentals like algebra geometry and analysis, however, after a while...
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    Pass and honours degrees

    I don't think it's really standardised between faculties. Unlike the UK, in Australia most 3 year degrees are considered to be pass degrees. Honours degrees are at least 4 years.
  9. D


    That's a good suggestion, make sure to actually try writing programs, not just watching lectures though. The actual C++ course at CSE I believe is COMP4001: Class Details Also I'm not sure if it's really helpful for jobs you can get out of undergrad.
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    I think that it might be possible to explain the entire finance undergrad curriculum to someone with the right maths background in only a few hours.
  11. D

    marketing major..the "fail" major?

    At the very least check the link I posted earlier and see how it compares with third year courses at your favourite Australian university. Does this paragraph even mean anything? What's a "graduate firm"? How does one "hedge financial risk through skill analysis"? No one with half a clue (and...
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    marketing major..the "fail" major?

    I think you are mostly right but miss an essential point. Generally, career success has little to do with education. All you need as background for any entry level job in finance is proficiency with 2U maths and decent written English. You are also right that the university education has...
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    marketing major..the "fail" major?

    Yes. And the former can be called "education" while the latter is mostly a waste of time. Note how none of the better MBA programs have "commerce" as a prerequisite!
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    marketing major..the "fail" major?

    "Wealth of knowledge"? It's great you feel that way. Compare, say, this: with whatever you did in your degree.
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    marketing major..the "fail" major?

    Unless it's from a top 10 MBA program it's pretty unlikely you will learn much that is worthwhile. You get neither technical depth nor holistic understanding of business. There are very few difficult concepts in the course and they are infrequently understood.
  16. D

    A degree from What I like, Or what will benefit me?

    Double degree is a great way to do both... Don't worry about an extra year or two.
  17. D

    Honours in business/commerce?

    Economics degree is pretty worthless _without_ honours. Finance is not a bad option either... The reservations about the rest are well justified, I think.
  18. D

    Syllabus development

    And these technical experts must not be experts in "education".
  19. D

    Syllabus development

    I wasn't trying to offend anyone in this thread, rather referring to the public debate on maths education. Thanks for the file!
  20. D

    Syllabus development

    Until 4U maths curriculum is in the spirit of something like this: Abel's theorem in problems and ... - Google Books degradation will not be reverted. Of course we are so far gone that no sane option is considered by any of the parties in the debate.