ohhh i don't think i went too badly (haha a bit late i realise)
i didn't fuck anything up, which was nice :) haha
it was such an anticlimax though...
we walked out and thought "oh... right.. thats it then.."
i hope i went alright
its so strange playing to a table of deadpans faces...
i wish our teacher had told us Before the trials
we'd only done a week of frontline before the trials, and they jsut told us to get right into frontline in the essay
when we got our (terrible, shocking, shitty, tragic) marks back, she got pissed becoz we all talked about...
wow.. that looks familiar!!
nah that was my bad. i didn't put a whole lot of work into my trials
but after seeing my mark (farrrrrk *shakes head* ) i'm definitely gonna start some decent work
thanks for the reinforcement though dudes :)
haha zac hansen
i'd agree with buddy rich and chad
and i'll add terri lyne carrington. she's fuckin cool, started playing professionally when she was 10!
I've used the Jasper Fforde books, Andy Warhol's work and probably one by Damien Hirst, The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker
Someone suggested i use the donnie darko website
Lots of people in my class have used movies
eg Donnie Darko, Run Lola Run, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, I [heart]...
afternoon all...
i was just wondering, does anyone know of a site that has harwood's poems up at all? i've lost my copy of glass jar and want to have another read of it to see if anything new comes up
cheers :)
so its a boring topic? grreeaattt
what a brilliant idea
i'll suggest to my teacher at once!
we haven't actually started pompeii yet. we got given an assignment to do over the holidays.
maybe that means we'll start it when we go tomoz (ew :()
haha geldof was hilarious
he had this guy playing violin who looked like he'd escaped from a 1930s jail (weird dirty white PJS and long scraggly hair)
the music was kinda like hillbilly rock.
we came in at the end of the set and had a brilliant time barndancing and yeehaw-ing to his...
we're doing postmodernism with orlando and TFLW
my teacher picked postmodernism becoz last year chuck got 1st in the state for ext 2 and something close in ext 1, and i think that She thinks it's all becoz of her... i can tell you now.. its not!
but yeah, postmodernism is going ok. i'm...