My longest relationship was my first one- 3 years, 11 months- so basically four years. We broke up early this year mainly because we'd grown apart.
Starting a relationship at 14, but 18 you're pretty much a completely different person so things change.
My current relationship has been 6...
I did 10, 8, and 7/8? I can't remember. I was happy with what I wrote and keeping within my time limits so can only be confident towards the results =D
I did The Truman Show and Wilfred Owen and I found the questions to be perfect for what I had studied. A friend of mine studied Raw and she had no complaints either. Maybe your strongest point was just journeys?
I agree! I thought that paper was much better than Friday's and I found it easy to maintain my time on each section. Trying not to get too over-confident though, I hope I did as well as I feel I did.
I hated hated hated the physical journeys question. I have no idea what I wrote because I can't remember a thing, all I know is that I wrote 11 pages and hopefully I was on the right track.
Ugh. The question! I have no idea why it threw me off so badly. Oh well. Tis over now and can't change...
I agree! And that was the original plan but now I've got a few things I have to attend and I can't help myself..must wear it hehe and so yes.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! :)
Hey everyone! :)
I recently bought this dress... and I'm looking for some sort of light but warm coat or jacket to wear with it since I always seem to freeze at night. Can anyone help please?
I know! He IS amazing :) I wish I could attend one of those performances! *jumps on a plane* But unfortunately I'm stuck here until at least December. You should really buy a copy of this book, it's so great and it has pages you can get signed n things.
On June First 2005, singer/songwriter/pianist Andrew McMahon of the bands Something Corporate and Jacks Mannequin was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). In the wake of this, many fans started projects to raise money for leukemia awareness. Almost all the money raised from...
That's what it was like when my boyfriend was still at school. There's a two year age gap between us, I'm 17 he's 19, and people used to make such a big deal over it. I think it's kind of pathetic though considering it's none of anyones business. I say as long as you're happy and it's not...