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    Why Why Why?

    Is anyone else having issues dealing with checking offers? I've been trying since 9pm on the bloody dot and it keeps 'timing out' wtf!!!?!?!? There simply MUST be some other way of checking, this is truly ridiculous! *shakes an angry fist at net congestion* gahhhhhhhhh! I'm going crazy here!

    Antony & Cleopatra

    I NEED URGENT HELP! For my Module C essays i have been using the 300 (Spartans) Film and the West Wing as related texts for Antony and Cleopatra. I don't know whether or not it's pre-exam anxiety getting the best of me, but i'm truly considering changing one of my texts (the West Wing) to the...

    So...How Are We All Planning On Destroying The Stimulus Booklet?

    Personally speaking, i'm considering having a massive bon fire, dowsing that lil sucker in too many flammables and then setting the bastard alight...(i think i could have written an entire imaginative journey based soley on that experience, i can see it now "that night she saw her entire future...

    Anyone feel like 'Paying It Forward'?

    Considering the HSC is a mere couple of weeks away, i came up with this idea and was wondering whether anyone would be interested in helping me turn it into a reality... I am an HSC student who is currently studying Visual Arts, Advanced English and Legal Studies. My strengths are mainly in...

    Pathways Peopleeeee!

    Hey all! Well done to all of us for freakin well surving this year aye! Just posting this for all of those people out there like me who did pathways and perhaps changed their way of seeing how they would tackle the HSC next year! I personally am so motivated now to do the best i can to get...

    Gah Monologues!!

    hey there, ok question: wtf do i need to do to get my hands on a decent monologue??? my teacher has found me one, but i dont want to settle for the first thing i read but i cant seem to find any decent monologues you guys know of any decent sites? thanks :wave:
  7. is it just me...??

    Question: does anyone...ANYONE out there go through idea after idea after idea and constantly change their general theme or concept for their BOW or is it just me and my screwed up schitzophrenic personality?!?! i go through ideas the way my greek grandmother goes through olive oil and now im...

    GAHHH!! *pulls hair out*

    ok, and while i may have over dramatised abit with the pulling hair out and whatnot, i have done so due to the reasons being a) i am greek and therefore allowed to overexaggerate and b) am currently stressing out big time! we were given a talk recently at school about the hsc- what to expect...